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Ye no, darlint, from the our ye cald me yer own Susan, in clare county, More betoken, iv bin onaisy about ye yer so bowld an Rekles. but this is wurst ov all. iv no noshun o them sandle-wood skooners. the Haf ov thems pirits and The other hafs no better, whats wus is that my owld master was drownded in wan, or out o wan, but shure its All the Saim. down he wint and that wos the Endd.

Hows'ever I's free-an'-easy, an' dat make de pirits fond o' me, which goes a long way, for dere's nuffin' like lub!" Foster heartily agreed with the latter sentiment and added "Well, now, Peter, I will say no more, for as you profess to be fond of me, and as I can truly say the same in regard to you, we may be sure that each will help the other if he gets the chance.

But it is what you were, what you may be again some day. "He shook his head. "'No, it ain't me. Go on tellin' about them pirits. "And, full of gladness, a glory I had never known before, I went on till it was dark. I said good-by to little Jack on the doorstep. When he had gone, I stood for a moment listening to the sound of his footsteps dying away down the road.

The Haf ov thems pirits an The other hafs no beter. Whats wus is that my owld master was drownded in wan, or out o wan, but shure its All the Saim. Down he wint an that wos the Endd. "now Deer jo don't go to say in that skooner i beseech ye, jo. Ye towld me that ye liked the looks o the cappen an haited the looks o the Krew. Now deer, take warnin, think ov me.

"Ho!" exclaimed Ram-stam, looking up from the weapon he was engaged on with an amused expression, "you know noting of pirits of dem seas. Hi! Hi! Wait." Ram-stam said this with the air of one who held the decided opinion that when he had waited Joe would have his views enlarged. "What, are they such bold fellows?" "Ho yis, vely muchee bold. Ca'es for noting. 'Flaid of noting.

Here Jo raised his eyes from the letter, and revelled silently in the thought for at least two minutes, during which his pipe did double duty in half its usual time. Then he recurred to his theme; but some parts he read in silence, and without audible comment. "Aye," said he, "'sandle-wood skooners, the Haf ov thems pirits' so they is, Susan.

Here Jo raised his eyes from the letter and revelled silently in the thought for at least two minutes, during which his pipe did double duty in half its usual time. Then he recurred to his theme, but some parts he read in silence, and without audible comment. "Ay," said he, "`sandle-wood skooners, the Haf ov thems pirits' so they is, Susan.

I trust him wid eberyt'ing!" replied this pattern wife. "An' Youssef what ob him?" "He's more'n t'ree quarters blind. Kin see not'ing, an' understan's less." "Dinah, you's a good woman," remarked her appreciative brother, as he rose to depart. "Now, remember, dis am de most important job you an' I hab had to do since we was took by de pirits out ob de same ship.

"To Algiers, de city ob pirits; de hotbed ob wickedness; de home ob de Moors an' Turks an' Cabyles, and de cuss ob de whole wurld." Poor Foster's heart sank on hearing this, for he had heard of the hopeless slavery to which thousands of Christians had been consigned there in time past, and his recent experience of Moors had not tended to improve his opinion of them.

To attempt anything would really be taking up time that is of vast importance to more hopeful cases." "Sir, do try," faltered the poor man in English. "Ha! You speak English?" said Edgar, turning quickly towards him; "forgive me, my poor fellow, I did not know that you understood " "Yis, me speak Engleesh. Me Singapore man. Go for vist me friends here. Cotch by pirits. Do try, doctir."