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The people of the lower Pinega Valley appealed to the Archangel government and the Allied military command for protection and for assistance in pursuing the Reds to recover the stores of flour that had been taken from the co-operative store associations at various points along the river. These co-operatives had bought flour from the American Red Cross.

On December 18th the half company of American troops set off for the march to the city of Pinega. The story of that 207-verst march of Christmas week, when the days were shortest and the weather severe, will be told elsewhere. Before they reached the city, which was desperately threatened, the fears of the defenders of Pinega had been all but realized.

Among these recruits was a young man, heir-apparent to the million roubles of the old merchant prince of Pinega, whose mansion was occupied by the Americans for command headquarters and billets for all the American officers engaged in the defense of the city. This young man had tried in the old Russian way to evade the local government official's draft. He had tried again at Capt.

And General Ironside sent a personal note, prized almost as highly as an official citation, which the editors beg the indulgence here of presenting merely for the information of the readers: Archangel, March 18, 1919. My Dear Moore: I want to thank you for all the hard work you did when in command of the Pinega area.

Freely the Pinega Russians for weeks and weeks provided sleighs and billets and trench-building details and so forth without expecting pay. An arrogant British officer travelling with a pocket full of imprest money could not command the service that was freely offered an American soldier. The doughboy early learned to respect their rude homes and customs.

American veterans of the campaign know that this is not the only case of where sick and wounded doughboys were delayed at Murmansk, once merely to make room for British officers who were neither wounded nor sick. Let Uncle Sam remember this in his next partnership war. Only on the Pinega front did the American medical officer enjoy free action.

Then came the unexpected. After six days of steady fighting which added many occupants to our hospital and heavy losses to the enemy, he suddenly retreated one night, burning the village of Priluk which we had twice used as field base for our attack on him. From Pinega we looked at the faint smoke column across the forest deep with snow and breathed easier than we had for many anxious weeks.

Preparing For Spring Defensive River Situation Ticklish Must Hold Till Our Gunboats Can Get Up "F" Company Crosses River On Cracking Ice Canadian Artillery Well Placed And Effectively Handled Holds Off Red Flotilla Engineers Help Clear Dvina With Dynamite Joyful Arrival Of British Gunboat "Glow Worm" We Retake Ignatavskaya Amusing Yet Dangerous Fishing Party British Relief Forces Arrive On Vaga Toulgas Is Lost And Retaken British-Russian Drive At Karpogora Fails Old White Guard Pinega Troops Hold Their City Against Red Drive Again Kodish And Onega Fronts Quiet Railroad Front Active But No Heavy Fighting General Richardson Helps Us Let Go Tail-Holt.

And when the Reds fled at the approach of the Allies, the people of Pinega had punished a few of the cruel Bolshevik rulers that they caught but had not made any great effort to change all the officers of civil government even though they had been Red officials for a time.

Not far from it two hours ride by horseback, an object of interest to the doughboy, was the three hundred-year-old monastery, white walls with domes and spires, perched upon the grey bluffs, in the hazy distance looking over the broad Pinega Valley and Soyla Lake, where the monks carried on their fishing.