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"To be sure! Pine and birch don't grow in peaty swamps, but in sandy ground with plenty of gravel. Look all about you at the scores of great pine-roots my men have dug out. They are all pine, and there must have been quite a large forest here once." "And was that farther back?" "Perhaps thousands of years before the Danes first landed. The peat preserves the wood, Tom.

At midnight, as Paul and he blundered to their cottage over the pungent wet grass, and pine-roots confusing in the darkness, Babbitt rejoiced that he did not have to explain to his wife where he had been all evening. They did not talk much. The nervous loquacity and opinionation of the Zenith Athletic Club dropped from them.

A movement among the ferns attracted Adrian, and he stepped down the decline across the pine-roots to behold heavy Benson below; shaking fern-seed and spidery substances off his crumpled skin. "Is that you, Mr. Hadrian?" called Benson, starting, as he puffed, and exercised his handkerchief. "Is it you, Benson, who have had the audacity to spy upon these Mysteries?"

A movement among the ferns attracted Adrian, and he stepped down the decline across the pine-roots to behold heavy Benson below; shaking fern-seed and spidery substances off his crumpled skin. "Is that you, Mr. Hadrian?" called Benson, starting, as he puffed, and exercised his handkerchief. "Is it you, Benson, who have had the audacity to spy upon these Mysteries?"

She rowed by the outlaws without seeing them. They kept breathlessly still, but not for fear of being seen, but only to be able to really see her. As soon as she had gone they were as if changed from stone images to living beings. Smiling, they looked at one another. "She was white like the water-lilies," said one. "Her eyes were as dark as the water there under the pine-roots."

Every rood of the road was sown thick with peril. No frowning ledge of rock, with pine-roots in its clefts, but might serve as the barricade behind which some foe lurked; no knot of cypress-shrubs, black even on that black sheet of shadow, but might be pierced with the steel tubes of leveled, waiting muskets.

Your people dig out pine-roots, don't they, perfectly sound, and full of turpentine? This is pine wood, and full of turpentine too." "But it's such a while since the Danes and Saxons were here, Mr Marston," said Tom. "A mere yesterday, my lad, compared to the time when the country about here was a great pine and birch forest, before this peat began to form." "Before the peat began to form!"

Only the road ahead was clear: a one-way track, the foot-high earthy bank and the pine-roots beside it, two distinct ruts, and a roughening of strewn brown bark and pine-needles, which, in the beating light of the car's lamps, made the sandy road scabrous with little incessant shadows. She had never known anything save this strained driving on. Jeff and Milt were old tales, and untrue.