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Old Pigtop was positively devout in this wish; for, after the gash had healed, it left a very singular scar, that traversed his lip obliquely, and gave a most ludicrous expression to a face that was before remarkably ill-favoured.

The easiness of my nature was worked upon, and I promised to use my influence to procure for him a pardon. I went to Mr Farmer, but all my efforts were unavailing. The culprit passed a sleepless night in the intolerable agony of lear. Before he was brought up to be flogged, Mr Pigtop had been fully avenged.

But the conversation if conversation we must term the gibberish of my associates having taken another turn, I slowly lifted up my smooth face, and, confronting Mr Pigtop's rough one, I said to him, very coolly, "Mr Pigtop, I am going to do what you would very much like to see I am going to wop you." "Wop me! no, no, it's not come to that yet.

I had made but few turns, when my door was abruptly thrust open, and Pigtop stalked in, fully dressed. "I can't sleep, Rattlin," said he, "and tarnation glad am I to see that you can't caulk either. A dutiful son you would be, to be snoozing here, and very likely, at this very moment, the rascal's knife is hacking at your father's weasand.

Mr Pigtop insisted upon supporting me, although I could walk very well quite as well as himself, considering his potations: and insisted also upon speaking. He was one of the old school of seamen, and could not speak out of his profession. Accordingly he was first sworn.

The chaise was soon procured; and, much to the satisfaction of Pigtop, we drove directly to Bow Street the good fellow having a firm persuasion that the moment his make-shift tourniquet was withdrawn, I should breathe my last. I had no such direful apprehensions. When we arrived at the office, the worthy magistrate was on the point of retiring.

When Pigtop and myself were left alone, neither the first nor the second nor'-wester of brandy-and-water could arouse him from his sullen mood. He told me frankly, and in his own sea-slang, that he could not disintegrate the idea of a lawyer from that of the devil, and that he was assured that neither I nor my cause would prosper if I permitted the interference of a land-shark.

"But I am an old sailor, and will obey orders nevertheless, I know that I shall live to see him hung. Come along, sirrah!" Between us, we led him to the window. We then thrust him out, and he stood shivering upon the cross-boarding of the scaffolding level with the window-sills. "Slide down the poles, and run," said I and Pigtop together.

I am confoundedly sorry that I have been prejudiced against you and there's my hand upon it." I shook hands with him heartily, and said: "Pigtop, I cannot regret that I did my best to repel your insult, but I sincerely regret its consequences. Henceforward, you shall insult me twice, before I lift my hand against you once." "I will never insult you again.

In the meantime, the protestations and tears of Joshua had convinced everybody that the horrible gash was merely the effect of accident, for the ship was rolling a great deal at the moment. What the captain and his guests were doing in the cabin above with the turtle-soup, it is needless for me to state, for that same soup was never fated to gladden the wounded lip of Mr Pigtop.