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'Ere I am, me lad, an' 'ere I sits till you give me a piggy-back up to the top me bein' a pore old cove with rheumatiz. I demands it " "You'll what?" growled Joe, hard-breathing and indignant. "Demand it, Joe a pore old feller wi' kidneys an' every other ailment as flesh is hair to a piggy-back, Joe a piggy-back!"

"Will you give me a piggy-back?" asked Sue, who was not too old for such things. "A pickaback is just what you shall have," said Mr. Bixby, and Sue soon got up on his back by stepping from a high stone, to the top of which Bunny helped her.

I used to nuss Marse Robert jes' de same as ef I were his own fadder. I used to fix his milk, rock him to sleep, ride him on my back, an' nothin' pleased him better'n fer Uncle Dan'el to ride him piggy-back." "Well, Uncle Daniel," said Robert, "what has that got to do with your going with us and getting your freedom?" "Now, jes' wait a bit, and don't frustrate my mine.

He would much rather have crawled on, you know, and allowed the shot to pass over his head; but he's a Briton old Nevil's the same; but old Nevil's peculiarity is that, as you are aware, he hates a compromise won't have it retro Sathanas! and Drew's proposal to take his arm instead of being carried pick-a-or piggy-back I am ignorant how Nevil spells it disgusts old Nevil.

"And I had a piggy-back ride home, and some milk got spilled on Bunny's stocking, but not much, and I'm hungry!" Sue believed in telling everything at once, to have it over with. "What is it all about?" asked Mr. Brown of Tom. "Did you and the children really, hide from a man?" "Yes, sir." "What man was it? I hope there aren't any tramps in these woods." "Oh, no, he wasn't a tramp.

"Yes, I'll do that," said the little boy. Once more he took the pail, while Tom hoisted Sue up onto his shoulder. "Give me a piggy-back!" Sue begged, so Tom carried her pickaback, while Sue held tightly to her doll. Tom marched ahead along the path, and soon they were safely at the tent.

"Oh, he's the man that gave us the milk the time the dog drank it up when we chased the squirrel," explained Sue. "He's awful nice, and he gave me a piggy-back ride, and took us to his cabin, and gave us cookies without us really asking." "What do you mean by not really asking?" inquired Mrs. Brown. "Oh, Sue means she sort of hinted or spoke of 'em easy like," Bunny explained.

There was another stampede, this time in the direction of the "parents." "Ca'y me! Ca'y me, Daddy," chirruped Hester. "No, me. Ride me piggy-back," insisted Eric. "Such children!" smiled Margery. "Ted, you encourage them. They are more barbarian than ever when you are here, and they are bad enough under normal conditions." Ted chuckled at that.

And the big kind giant took his pocket handkerchief out again to wipe his blue eyes, and after that he went over to the piano and sang: "If I had my little boy again How happy I should be, I'd piggy-back him all around And trundle him on my knee. "But oh, dear me. It's so long ago, And he's been away so long, That all I can do is to wish and wish That he could hear this song."

Without another word Joe stooped, and lifting the old man beneath one arm, bore him up the stairs regardless of his croaking protestations and fierce invective. "I said a piggy-back oh, you blightin' perisher, I said a piggy-back," he snarled, his resplendent shoes twinkling in futile kicks. "Oh, Joe, there's times when I fair 'ates ye!"