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Then Lent, not very strictly kept after all, and afterward Easter and the glorious spring. Jeanne woke into new life. "I must go out for the first wild flowers," she said to Pani. "It seems years since I had any. And the robin and the thrush and the wild pigeons have come back, and the trees bud with the baths of sunshine. All the air is throbbing with fragrance." Pani looked disturbed.

Harlson picked up the filled-out blank, glanced at it, and threw it down again. "It's some mistake," he said; "that precinct is one of the stiffest the other way. Wait until we get more of them." We waited, but not for long. The returns came fluttering in like pigeons now. The second read: Harlson, 33. Sharkey, 30. There dawned a light upon me; but I said no word.

The country is very rich in game. Kangaroos and wallabies are very frequent; several brush turkeys were seen, and the partridge and bronze-winged pigeons are very plentiful. Our latitude was 23 degrees 51 minutes. Jan. 9.

In April the pigeons were seen again flying express in small flocks, and in due time I heard the martins twittering over my clearing, though it had not seemed that the township contained so many that it could afford me any, and I fancied that they were peculiarly of the ancient race that dwelt in hollow trees ere white men came.

According to her all the pigeons disappear in my fields. But, seriously speaking, Greenhough is off gone to America over head and ears in debt debts of honor. Now," said Saville, very slowly, "there's the difference between the gentleman and the parvenu; the gentleman, when all is lost, cuts his throat: the parvenu only cuts his creditors.

And at this moment the two pigeons, scared by the sight and especially by the voice of the stranger, left their nest, and disappeared, quite frightened in the evening mist. "Halloa! what's this?" cried Gryphus. "My pigeons," answered Cornelius. "Your pigeons," cried the jailer, "your pigeons! has a prisoner anything of his own?"

Oakhurst's mien and countenance, not only prematurely fluttered the pigeons, but absolutely occasioned much uneasiness among the fish-hawks who circled below him with their booty. "Dash me! but he's as likely to go after us as anybody," said Joe Fielding. It wanted but a few days before the close of the brief summer season at San Isabel Warm Springs.

Likewise, those which are setting should be transferred to a particular place, separated from the others by a net but from which the mothers may be free to get out of doors: which is done for two reasons: first, because if they become weary or decrepit from being cooped too long, they will be refreshed by the free air when they go abroad: secondly, because they serve as decoys for other pigeons, for their squabs will always bring them home themselves unless they are struck down by a crow or cut off by a hawk.

The annual migration of the caribou in the North is an illustration. In the flocking birds this unity of mind is especially noticeable. The vast armies of passenger pigeons which we of an older generation saw in our youth moved like human armies under orders. They formed a unit. They came in countless hordes like an army of invasion, and they departed in the same way.

Upon the shoulders of the images of the Apostles, which stand about the chancel, generations of pigeons the doves of the temple whose nests are in the niches upon the shoulders of the Apostles generations of pigeons born in the niches have descended out of the azure as with the benediction of shimmering wings.