United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Then we brought up the rear together, to drive the stragglers and look out for pursuit. "Not that I know what the devil we'll do if the Kurds get after us!" said Fred. "Let's hope they make for the castle to-night, and waste time plundering that." "Piffle!" he answered. "Why?"

No one else of my acquaintance has quite your feeling for romance. I always liked that one about the square-jawed American engineer who won the Crown Princess of Piffle from her father in a poker game, but decided at the last minute to bestow her upon his old college friend, the Russian heir-apparent, just to preserve the peace of Europe.

They've had no hand in it! Our social system is the work of men! Yet we must work to uphold it! this system that crushes us. We must swell the budget, we must help to pay the bill! What fools we've all been! What fools we are if we don't do something! 'Gettin' up rows and goin' to 'Olloway's no good. While she justified the course that led to Holloway 'Rot! Piffle! they interjected.

"She is in love with him," complained the suitor; his anger was succeeded by woe; his face "squizzled" as if he were about to weep a second time that day. "Piffle! She's a queer girl if she didn't have the usual run of childish ailments, along with the whooping cough and the measles. I have always known how to manage my womenfolks, Tasper.

And, what's more, we only kept Chambers from scoring by the biggest piece of good luck." "Oh, piffle, Jack!" exclaimed Still. "We had them fourth down and five to go. They couldn't have made it to save their lives!" "They only had four to go," replied Jack, "and if they'd tried anything but a child's trick they'd likely have made it.

"Your talk is piffle. Hanna is after money and nothing else. This McKinley is his tool. He has McKinley bluffed and don't you forget it." The young man on the stairs did not linger to hear the rest of the discussion, but went on up the stairway and into the little dark hall. Something in the voices of the men talking in the hotel office started a chain of thoughts in his mind.

"So that's the way you feel about us, you foreigners!" exclaimed Jim. "We blazed the trail for you fellows in this country and called you over here to use it. And you've suffocated us and you are glad of it. Good God! Dad and the Indians!" "What did you call us over here for but to make us do your dirty work for you?" chuckled the Greek. "Serves you right. Piffle!

Dalbreque leant over the terrace and muttered an oath: "On the watch for me?" he said, turning round. "What do I care?" "They have a warrant." He folded his arms: "Shut up with your piffle! A warrant! What's that to me?" "Listen," said Renine, "and let us waste no time. It's urgent.

Pleasant news from Colonel Delafield, who, with a loss of 600, has destroyed thrice that number of the enemy before Yolo. 17th. Scarlet. The enemy turned last night, inflicting losses on the combined forces of Generals Pipes and Piffle, amounting together to 1,600 men. But his retreat still continues, harassed by our cavalry and guns.

Horrified by these reckless words, I could only say "Noblesse oblige," meaning to convey that whatever the North Americans did, the next Earl of Brinstead must not meet persons one doesn't know, whereat he rejoined tartly that I was "to stow that piffle!"