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A piece of ox-hide, or scrap of deer-skin serves them for its substitute; and for bridle a raw-hide rope looped around the under jaw, without head-strap, bittless, and single reined, enabling them to check or guide their horses, as if these were controlled by the cruellest of curbs, or the jaw-breaking Mameluke bitt.

But the happiness lasted only for a spell: there came a noise and every one in the room fled and the clothes were hastily taken off and put away. Every day, when the boys were at school and father in the fields, neighbours came to look at the clothes. Piece after piece was carefully taken out of the press and spread out for show on the great bed.

In an instant he had cocked and fired his piece, giving the alarm, when the garrison ran to their places ready to cover the coming in of the cattle-drivers and their herd, Bart, seeing that Joses had taken the alarm, and with his men was trying to drive the feeding animals back. But the Doctor had not calculated upon hunger and bovine obstinacy.

The young Kentuckian stood near the middle of the enclosure glancing upward in different directions while reloading his piece, for he understood too well the necessity of unremitting vigilance whenever the American Indian takes a hand in proceedings. Otto was not behind him in that respect.

He would sit on the sand for hours imagining that he was at his family table, dispensing his frugal hospitalities to his wife and children. Making a motion, as if presenting a dish, he would say: "Janie, have another biscuit, do!" Or, "Eddie, son, won't you have another piece of this nice steak?" Or, "Maggie, have some more potatos," and so on, through a whole family of six, or more.

Eloff was exactly the piece which it was necessary for the Government to have for a coolie location, and without more ado the Government bought it from Mr. Eloff for £25,000. The ingenuity of the Boer mind in getting the last possible fraction of value out of any transaction, is well exemplified in this matter. One would naturally conclude that a deal so profitable would satisfy anybody.

But such silence was only of a piece with the reticence which marked His whole teaching, and was a sign of His wise adaptation of His words to the capacity of His hearers, as well as of His lowliness.

No, not there, a little to the right, he heard her crying, and, finding a piece of linen and a hammer and some nails, he went out into the greyness still undisturbed by the chirrup of a half-awakened bird.

A sharp exclamation from the girl brought him out of his last fit of abstraction. They were quite near to the tents. "We are late," she cried nervously. "I didn't think of the time. The band is playing the waltz that's the second piece before the tournament. We must hurry. Oh, I do hope father has not missed us!" There was abject terror in her voice.

He missed me but ran after me, and caught me. You see I was stiff, confined so long. He gave me a thrust of his bayonet; I flung my heavy keys fiercely in his face; he staggered; I wrested his piece from him, and disabled him." "Ah!" "I crossed the frontier in the night, and got to Bayonne; and thence, day and night, to Paris. There I met a reward for all my anguish.