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I cannot dine on shining brown patties, composed of unknown animals within, and offering to my view the device of an indigestible star-fish in leaden pie-crust without. I cannot dine on a sandwich that has long been pining under an exhausted receiver. I cannot dine on barley-sugar. I cannot dine on Toffee. You repair to the nearest hotel, and arrive, agitated, in the coffee-room.

Well, one Pie-crust Night, after this yearly supper the most enjoyable he had ever known my father left the Rising Sun towards midnight, and started to walk to his home in Luxulyan Churchtown.

She did not know what to do with him in the kitchen and he did not know what to do with himself. The girl was acutely conscious that yesterday she had flung herself into his arms without shame. "I'll go right on with my pies if you don't mind," she said. "I can talk while I work." "Yes." But neither of them talked. She rolled pie-crust while the silence grew significant.

This premised, he immediately began to transfer the mutton and pie-crust from his plate to his lips, in such huge gobbets, as if he was refreshing after a three days' fast, and laying in provisions against a whole Lent to come. Joshua Geddes in his turn gazed on him with surprise, having never, he thought, beheld such a gaunt expression of hunger in the act of eating.

However, thank Heaven, we've got the cupboard," he said with a laugh, looking round him; "a nice big 'un, too, well painted and gilded; and the time has come, through not talking like a gentleman, that I can afford you. You should hear Joe. When that fellow talks, his house shakes. Confounded bad style of house, walls like gingerbread. How the boards don't break like pie-crust under Mrs.

If one of his characters draws a metaphor from pie-crust, he must needs use language of the churchyard: You speak as if a man Should know what fowl is coffined in a baked meat Afore you cut it open. It sounds like a presentiment of coming woes, which, as the drama grows to its conclusion, gather and darken on the wretched victims of his bloody plot.

Two days after were over also, and in the morning most of the guests were going away. From the basket by the hearth he threw a fresh log on the smoldering fire, lifted it with his foot farther back on the hot ashes, drew the old-fashioned arm-chair closer to the fender, and, turning down the light from the lamp on the pie-crust table near the mantel, sat down and lighted a fresh cigar.

Down the cold stone steps pattered she, and luckily, as she thought, Rose, probably to avoid noise, had only shut to the door, so that the little inquisitive maiden had a chink to peep through, and beheld Rose at a certain oaken corner- cupboard, whence she took out a napkin, and in it she folded what Lucy recognised as the very same three-cornered segment of pie-crust, containing the pigeon that she had last night been accused of devouring.

Baines, critically munching a fragment of pie-crust. She rang a little hand-bell. Maggie appeared from the cave. She wore a plain white bib-less apron, but no cap. "Maggie, will you have some pie?" "Yes, if you can spare it, ma'am." This was Maggie's customary answer to offers of food. "We can always spare it, Maggie," said her mistress, as usual.

The road is caked with moss that breaks like pie-crust under my feet, and in corners where there is shelter there are sheep loitering, or a few straggling grouse.... The fog has come down in places; I am meeting multitudes of hares that run round me at a little distance looking enormous in the mists or sit up on their ends against the sky line to watch me going by.