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Under such conditions it is not a matter of surprise that the physiological chemist should be constantly dreaming that he may at some time produce living matter in the laboratory. To the ordinary mind it scarcely seems possible. We are so entirely sure that life is not amenable to physics or chemistry that we can hardly conceive of the possibility of its originating out of matter in the test tube.

The same causes, which produce individual growth, especially climate and nourishment, also produce the organic growth of organisms, that is, transmutation, which is but a continuation in the progeny of individual growth, through the transmission of the characteristics acquired during the lifetime of the individual." Hence, transmutation is simply a physiological process, a phyletic growth.

Now there is much evidence to show that the discharge of the sexual function amongst birds is subject to control, and that this control operates through the female through her physiological state becoming susceptible to stimulation only at certain periods.

The arrest of development in cretinous children is due to some deficiency of thyroid secretion, and is counteracted by the administration of thyroid extract. The physiological text-books, however, say nothing of precocity of development in children as a result of hyperthyroidism. This, however, is undoubtedly what occurs in the case of tadpoles.

It is now partly converted to other uses. There are located here the Senate and Council rooms, Vice-Chancellor's rooms, Board-rooms, convocation halls and offices, besides the rooms of the Principal, Registrars, and other University officers. At the Institute are also the physiological theatre and laboratories for special advanced lectures and research.

A complex substance which forms the principal coloring constituent of the red corpuscles of the blood. Half a sphere, the lateral halves of the cerebrum, or brain proper. Bleeding, or the loss of blood. Pertaining to the liver. Applied to animals that subsist upon vegetable food. Heredity. The predisposition or tendency derived from one's ancestors to definite physiological actions. Hiccough.

These digestive disturbances are always accompanied by mental depression, the blues, homesickness, irritability, fear, hopelessness, etc. With the advent of these cleansing and healing crises the physiological and psychological moment for fasting has arrived. All the processes of assimilation are at a standstill. The entire organism is eliminating.

The further apart the two species are, the more different are the physiological characters of the blood, and the more difficult does a mingling of the two become. Blood of a too distantly related form does not unite with that of the animal into which it is transfused, but the red corpuscles of the former are destroyed by the serum of the latter, break up and are eliminated.

It is a quiet calm sentiment, a physiological necessity such as the good soul of Schopenhauer interpreted it, to the great scandal of a certain class of lovers. Men and women are united from a feeling of cordial sympathy, by a spontaneous act of their own wills which would never suffer the least restraint. No personal or family interest suggests or determines the important step.

Only after experience and learning have had an opportunity to influence these responses can the child be held responsible for his conduct, for only then does his conduct become conscious instead of merely physiological.