United States or Malawi ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Of the nine not one is aware that ADAM PATCH has that morning made a contribution of fifty thousand dollars to the cause of national prohibition. I phoned from Rye and left a message. ANTHONY is the color of chalk. GLORIA'S lips are parted and her level gaze at the old man is tense and frightened. There is not one smile in the room. Not one?

Erwin's replies were unimportant except that he was so crippled that he must get back to the base, or at least alight somewhere soon or he, would not be able to fly at all. "Bent piston rods," he also phoned. "And I'm afraid my main propeller shaft has gone wrong somehow." "All right," returned Bangs. "I'll stick with you. Hullo! What's the matter with Blaine and his man?"

I 'phoned her this morning." "Was it YOU that 'phoned?" "It was. Now er Atkins, I am disposed to be as considerate of your welfare as possible. I know that any publicity in this matter might prejudice you in the eyes of your of the government officials. I shall not seek publicity, solely on your account.

My knocking and ringing produced no response for three or four minutes; then, as I persisted, a scantily clothed and half-awake maid-servant unbarred the door and stared at me stupidly in the moonlight. "Mrs. Hewett requires me?" I asked abruptly. The girl stared more stupidly than ever. "No, sir," she said: "she don't, sir; she's fast asleep!" "But some one 'phoned me!"

Dick Benson has just 'phoned that he is going to take us for a farewell frolic. We leave here at five, have dinner somewhere, then do all sorts of stunts. You are going to wear my tan coat-suit and light blue waist. Yes, you are, too! That's all foolishness; everybody wears elbow-sleeves. Blue's your color, and I've got the hat to match.

Tell the wharfinger to tell him to throw a few clothes into a suit case that he's to go to Papeete on mighty important business and to meet me at the head of Greenwich Street Dock at one-twenty, without fail, for his orders and his money. Having phoned these orders, Matt, take the office automobile and scorch to the water front to see that they're carried out. Take Miss Keenan with you. Good-bye."

"Hush, Jed! He knows you didn't take it. He knew it all the time you were telling him you did. In fact he came into your shop this afternoon to tell you that the Sage man over at Wapatomac had found the four hundred dollars on the table in his sitting-room just where the captain left it. Sage had just 'phoned him that very thing. He would have told you that, but you didn't give him the chance.

You thoroughly deserve those diamonds will you accept an offer for them from me? I should like to buy them for Miss Roberts and present them to her on our reconciliation. We came to terms then and there, and he 'phoned through to me an hour ago to say that he had made it up with Miss Roberts, that she was delighted with the diamonds, and that they are going to be married next month."

Nevetherless, after preparing an early breakfast, she sent her trunks down-stairs and 'phoned for a taxi-cab. On Tuesday afternoon a badly shaken, exceedingly frightened young man called at Campbell Pope's boarding-house. "Good Lord, Bob! Been on another bat?" cried Pope, at sight of his caller.

Peter had noticed that Angell's pockets were stuffed, and had assumed that they were going to do their dynamiting, so he had phoned to McGivney from the drug-store. By this phoning he had missed the crowd, and then he had been ashamed and afraid to tell McGivney, and had spent the night wandering in the park.