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Truly the scope of the stamp collector for pleasure, for profit, and for romance is as wide as the most imaginative could desire. Philatelic Societies and their Work. Most of the great cities of Europe, the British Colonies, and the United States have their Philatelic Societies.

Spargo," he said. "He thinks he can tell you something about the Marbury affair, and he said that as he couldn't wait, perhaps you'd step round to his place when you came in." Spargo took the card and read: MR. JAMES CRIEDIR, DEALER IN PHILATELIC RARITIES, 2,021, STRAND. Spargo put the card in his waistcoat pocket and went out again, wondering why Mr.

It was then purchased by our publishers for the sum of £4,000, and yielded them a very fair return on their investment. In the International Philatelic Exhibition, held in the Galleries of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours in Piccadilly, London, in 1897, one collector marked over each stamp of his exhibit the price which he had paid for it, and the market price of the day.

The Philatelic Society of London has an unbroken record of regular meetings of its members extending over a quarter of a century. The literature devoted to stamp collecting is more abundant than that of any other hobby. Its votaries are to be found in every city and town of the habitable globe.

Other works too numerous to mention here have been written from time to time for the edification of the stamp collector, and the list is continually being increased by the addition of even more important works. One of the most interesting and comprehensive series of philatelic works, still in course of publication, was commenced by Messrs.

For the instruction of the beginner, Major Evans, R.A., has compiled an excellent glossary of philatelic terms, under the title of Stamps and Stamp Collecting; and there is, further, A Colour Dictionary, by Mr.

His lordship is a member of the Council of the Philatelic Society of London, and, when in England, a regular attendant at its meetings. He also is a member of the London Philatelic Society.

One well-known Parisian collector, whose life has been largely devoted to his philatelic treasures, and who employs two secretaries to look after his collection, has, it is estimated, spent at least £200,000 on his stamps since 1870. If investment were the Alpha and Omega of stamp collecting, every collector of standing would bemoan lost opportunities.

It publishes an excellently-got-up monthly journal of its own, which now claims shelf-room in the philatelic library for ten stately annual volumes. It has held two very successful International Philatelic Exhibitions, one opened by the late Duke of Edinburgh and the other by the Prince of Wales, then Duke of York.

The premier society is the Philatelic Society of London, which was founded so long ago as 1869, and has as its acting President H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. For over thirty years, without a break, this Society has held regular meetings during the winter months. Its membership comprises most of the leading collectors in Great Britain and her Colonies and many of the best-known foreign collectors.