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"Phew!" said the bullocks. "He must be white!" "Of course he is," said Vixen. "Do you suppose I'm looked after by a black bullock-driver?" "Huah! Ouach! Ugh!" said the bullocks. "Let us get away quickly." They plunged forward in the mud, and managed somehow to run their yoke on the pole of an ammunition wagon, where it jammed. "Now you have done it," said Billy calmly. "Don't struggle.

"If you don't take me away, I'll run in circles!" whispered Bob fiercely to his friend. They escaped into the open air. "Phew!" said Bob, straightening his long form. "Is that what you call the good society here?" "Good society is there," amended Baker. "That's the joke. There are lots of nice people in this little old town, people who lisp our language fluently.

Conscious, too, of the commercial traveller, still on his left always on his left! mopping his brow, and muttering: "Phew! It's hot in there to-day!" while an effluvium, as of an inside accustomed to whisky came from him. Then the man with the underlip and the three plastered wisps of hair said: "Don't know why we withdrew, Mr. Foreman!" Mr.

Quickly the deadfalls were baited and set; last the Indian threw into the trap chamber a piece of moss on which was a drop of the "smell," and wiped another drop on each of his moccasins. "Phew," said Rolf. "That make a trail the marten follow for a month," was the explanation. Skookum seemed to think so too, and if he did not say "phew," it was because he did not know how.

And, slipping by, she locked her door. Bob and Thirza Pierson, meeting in their own room, looked at each other askance. Relief at their niece's safe return was confused by other emotions. Bob Pierson expressed his first: "Phew! I was beginning to think we should w have to drag the river. What girls are coming to!" "It's the war, Bob." "I didn't like her face, old girl.

"And what was it the fat fellow said? A Siren Song in Marble! Phew!... Well, I'll get along. I shall just be in time to get a pint of bitter to wash it all down if I'm quick... Bah!" he broke out suddenly.

But the first man they encountered was a Zaporozhetz who was sleeping in the very middle of the road with legs and arms outstretched. Taras Bulba could not refrain from halting to admire him. "How splendidly developed he is; phew, what a magnificent figure!" he said, stopping his horse. It was, in fact, a striking picture.

Then, half-an-hour after the last one had departed for the three had remained behind with him for further private instruction and conversation, as was usual the Prime Minister Stürmer was announced. "I have made the speech you suggested," he declared to the monk as he sank into a chair. "Phew! what a smell of perfume, my dear Gregory!" he laughed. "Your sister-disciples have left it behind them.

But is it for this, pray, that you propose to light candles of war in Navarre? 'Ah, said Bertran, with his hand scratching in his vest, 'I light no candles, my lord; but I counsel you to light them. 'Phew! said King Sancho, and stuck his arms out; 'on whose account, Bertran, on whose account? 'Deus!

Yes; we're travelling north-west now, and when we started we were going north-east." "Hist! Look!" whispered Mark; and he pointed forward. "Phew!" whistled the major. "Down, Bruff! To heel!" The dog obeyed, and cocking their guns, and keeping as close to the trees as the rocky nature of the soil would allow, the two hunters approached the game Mark had pointed out.