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"I promised, and I am a gentleman." "Pheugh!" Crillon whistled. He swore again, and stood. He was a great man, and full of expedients, but the position was novel. Yet, after a minute's thought, he had an idea. He started off again, taking Bazan's arm, and impelling him onwards, with the same haste and violence. "To Simon's! to Simon's!" he cried as before.

"Old Merton has promised the woman I love to this George Fielding if he comes back with a thousand pounds." "Don't you be frightened, sir; that he will never do." "Will he not? Read this letter." "Ah! the letter that put you out so. Let me see Mum! mum! Found gold. Pheugh! Pheugh! Pheeeugh!!"

The muck-heap you should disperse at once with the strong hand of power." At this last proposal, Squire Vizard the truth must be told delivered a long, plowman's whistle at the head of his own table. "Pheugh!" said he; "for a lady that is more than half republican, you seem to be taking very kindly to monarchial tyranny." "Well, now, I'll tell you the truth," said she. "You have converted me.

I did not expect to find you in HIS house. And two ladies? Two! Fie, Coadjutor. Ha! Madame d'O, is it? My dear lady," he continued, addressing her in a whimsical tone, "do not start at the sound of your own name! It would take a hundred hoods to hide your eyes, or bleach your lips to the common colour; I should have known you at once, had I looked at you. And your companion? Pheugh!"

Madame de Ferrier's garments may have been white or blue or yellow; I remember only her satin arms and neck, the rosy color of her face, and the powder on her hair making it white as down. Where this assembly was collected from I did not know, but it acted on the spirits and went like volatile essence to the brain. "Pheugh!" exclaimed Miss Chantry, "how the French smell!"

"Two hundred and forty-three, gentlemen. Of these some were stillborn, but the majority hold the market. The capital proposed to be subscribed on the sum total is two hundred and forty-eight millions." "Pheugh! Skinner!" The projects of this year have not been collected, but they are on a similar scale.

"Tell me, my friend," Hunston said; "whither are we bound?" "For the Red Sea." "Pheugh! A long cruise?" "Well, yes." "And then we are going further yet, and to travel on until we touch the coast of Australy." "The deuce!" "That's it, sir." "What's the name of the vessel?" The sailor laughed. "What makes you grin?" "Why, I was wondering, messmate, why you never asked that before."

I thought that he was a young man quite to your mind; and " "He is mad!" he answered. "Mad?" I said. "Yes, mad!" he repeated, striking the ground violently with his cane. "Stark mad, M. de Rosny. He does not know himself! What do you think but it is inconceivable. He proposes to marry my daughter! This penniless adventurer honours Mademoiselle de Saintonge by proposing for her!" "Pheugh!" I said.

"It ought to be a criminal offence for a woman to smoke at all," said Borrow; "fancy kissing a woman's mouth that smelt of stale tobacco pheugh!" Whether this proves Borrow's susceptibility to female charm I cannot say, but it seems to me rather to prove a sort of connoisseurship, which is not the same thing.

We've been so busy in our department, sir, that " "Yes, I know; you always say that. I'm sick of hearing it. Don't let me find this sort of thing again. Send some one at once to sweep it out; this lad doesn't know how to hold a broom. Take care it's done by four o'clock, and ready for use. Pheugh! it's enough to choke one." And the manager went off in a rage, coughing.