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"Bridget," said the priest, "I have asked you a simple question, to which I expect a plain answer. What money am I to give this tallow-hearted swain of yours?" "Why, your Reverence, whatsomever you think may be enough for full, an' plinty, an' dacency, at the weddin'." "Not forgetting the thatch for me, in the mane time," said Phelim. "Nothin' less will sarve us, plase your Reverence.

Well, yer honour, all this was as well as well could be; but it was customary when Sir Phelim id go any where out iv the country, for some iv the tinants to sit up to watch in the ould castle, just for a kind of a compliment to the ould family an' a mighty unpleasant compliment it was for the tinants, for there wasn't a man of them but knew there was some thing quare about the ould castle.

I went out!" The old couple were once more disposed to be mirthful; but Phelim confirmed his assertion with such a multiplicity of oaths, that they believed him. Nothing, however, could wring the secret of her name out of him. He had reasons for concealing it which he did not wish to divulge.

Oh, thin, but I'm the misfortunate blackguard all out! Och, oh! Peggy, achora, you'll break my heart! Hand me that shell, acushla for I'm in the height of affliction!" Peggy could neither withhold it, nor reply to him. Her mirth was even more intense now than before; nor, if all were known, was Phelim less affected with secret laughter than Peggy. "It is makin' fun o' me you are, you thief, eh?

As for Phelim, the idea of being called to three females at the same time, was one that tickled his vanity very much. Vanity, where the fair sex was concerned, had been always his predominant failing.

Irish deaths, too, are very disloyal, and frequently at variance with the laws: nor are our births much better; for although more legitimate than those of our English neighbors, yet they are in general more illegal. Phelim, in proving his alibis, proved all these positions.

Hould out for that by all means." "Tare-an'-ounze!" exclaimed Phelim, "am I goin' to take the counthry out o' the face? By the vestments, I'm a purty boy! Do you know the fresh news I have for yez?" "Not ten guineas more, Phelim?" replied the father. "Maybe you soodhered another ould woman," said the mother. "Be asy," replied Phelim. "No, but the five crasses, I deluded a young one since!

In the other two he was fettered by the terms of "cessation" to his own quarters; and to add to his embarrassments, his impetuous kinsman Sir Phelim, brave, rash, and ambitious, recently married to a daughter of his ungenerous rival, General Preston, was incited to thwart and obstruct him amongst their mutual clansmen and connections.

"In 'orsepittle," laconically replied Trooper Henry Hawker, late of Whitechapel, without looking up from the jack-boot he was polishing. "Phwat wid?" anxiously inquired the bereaved Phelim. "Wot wiv'? Wiv' callin' 'Threes abaht' after one o' the Young Jocks," was the literal reply. "Begob that same must be a good hand wid his fisties or was it a shillaleigh?" mused the Irishman.

That some of its members were also under the influence of potent waters is perhaps a platitudinous corollary. ... "And phwat the Divvle's begone of me ould pal Patsy Flannigan, at all, at all?" inquired Trooper Phelim O'Shaughnessy, entering the barrack-room of E Troop of the Queen's Greys, lying at Shorncliffe Camp.