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Oh, Petroff, if I could only have had one day more of of but the sergeant would not wait. I had to go to the wars. One evening in paradise is but a short time, yet I would not exchange it for all I ever " He paused. "Yes, yes, I know all about that," said the scout, with an encouraging nod; "I've had more than one evening in that region, and so will you, lad, after the war is over."

"It may be so," said the Pasha, with a sigh. "Meanwhile, to return to our point, you will find everything ready for your journey at an early hour to-morrow." "But what of little Ivanka Petroff?" I asked. "She must go with us." The Pasha seemed a little perplexed. "I had not thought of that," he said; "she will be well-cared for here." "I cannot go without her," said I firmly.

At that moment the inner door opened and Petroff, flushed and perspiring, came out. "He will remember it," he said, turning to the sergeant-major. The latter pointed with his eyes to Nekhludoff, and Petroff became silent, frowned and walked out through the rear door. "Who will remember? What? Why are they all so embarrassed? Why did the sergeant make that sign?" thought Nekhludoff.

It is not only Petroff that has abandoned his strong position of "No politics"; Gapon is doing likewise. The movement has spread far beyond what he expected, and he is being carried away by the prevailing excitement. With all his benevolent intentions, he is of a nervous, excitable nature, and his besetting sin is vanity.

"Fate smiles upon us," whispered Ali Bobo, as the comrades entered the bushes and laid their burden down. If Bobo had known that he had laid that burden down within ten yards of the spot where Dobri Petroff was preparing, as I have described, to stalk the figure he had discovered in the same thicket, he might have recalled the sentiment in reference to Fate. But Bobo did not know.

"He's a fine-looking man, sir, is he not?" said a voice at my elbow. I turned in amazement. It was Dobri Petroff! There was no room for more than a squeeze of the hand at such a moment. "That is our friend Andre Vanovitch, sir." As he spoke I saw the captain of the troop fall from his horse.

"The colporteur of whom you have spoken," said I, turning to the blacksmith, and again speaking Russian, "did you a great service when he gave your wife the Word of God." Dobri Petroff assented, but a frown for a minute overspread his face.

"That young girl," said Petroff, after listening to the lad's earnest account of the matter with sympathetic attention, "has no place there, has she?" he touched the left breast of Andre's coat and nodded. The blush of the young soldier was visible even in the dim light of the camp-fire as he started up on one elbow, and said "Well, yes; she has a place there!"

It all came out the day before the one fixed for the expedition. His Highness, being in great spirits, had ordered a shooting competition, and the men were served from the new stores supplied to the State of Chita by Petroff Gortschakin of St. Petersburg. The Maharajah drove out to the ranges to look on, and all his Ministers with him.

"Oh! they're all right, you may be sure, now that our fellows have crossed the Danube in such force," said Andre, supposing that the other referred to his family. "Perhaps!" returned Petroff, and relapsed into silence.