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Remember, there's only one person in the world who can disgrace Tom Slade, and that is Tom Slade himself." He slapped Tom on the shoulder, and they strolled up the dingy, crooked street, past the jumble of old brown houses, until it petered out in a plain where there was a little cemetery, filled with wooden crosses. "Those poor fellows all did their bit," said Mr. Conne.

Bob's impressions of Marion were of great mills and sawdust-burners along a wide river; of broad, sawdust-covered streets; of a single block of good, brick stores on a main thoroughfare which almost immediately petered out into the vilest and most ramshackle frame "joints"; of wide side streets flanked by small, painted houses in yards, some very neat indeed.

Them colts won't stand it. Young things must feed an' rest. The saloon-keeper allowed they were footsore a'ready, and kinder petered out. We must keep our eyes skinned." "You're a wonder," said Ajax. "How you divined that the thief would travel this trail beats me." "Wal," said old man Dumble, "it's this way.

"Some say the fellow lost all his money in Wall Street, and others say the state wouldn't let him make a game preserve here. However it was, the thing petered out, and the old shack hasn't been used since." "Oh, yes, it has!" exclaimed Tom. "We just came from there, and there are signs which show some one has been sleeping there and eating there." "There has!" exclaimed the farmer.

Ain't we got style enough for you?" The Girl did not answer; her breathing, swift and short, painfully intensified the hush that had fallen on the room; at last, the boys becoming impatient began to bombard her with questions. "Be you goin' to show them Ridge boys we've petered out an' culture's a dead dog here?" began Happy, rising. "Do you want them to think Academy's busted?" asked Handsome.

"In my day we didn't get to bed once a month," answered Toomey, with equal truth. "That was when we was after Sittin' Bull. The volunteers that started on that chase petered out at Powder River." The conductor sniffed. It had been give and take 'twixt him and Toomey ever since the discovery that each had served in the cavalry.

It is a fearful thing to see anything die, especially a race of human beings. That is a great epic tragedy worthy of a Shakespeare. That is enough to wring the soul of the gods. That a race has played the game, has been powerful and conquering and triumphant, and then step by step has petered out and become weak and senile until biological decay has set in that is fearful.

But the agent shook his head, and his eyes still shone with their ironical light. "I'd say the prophet business petered out miser'bly nigh two thousand years ago. I wouldn't say this dogone prairie 'ud be the best place to start resurrectin' it. No, sir! There's too many chances for that seein' we're on a branch line. There's the track it might give way. You never can tell on a branch line.

After the mines which attracted Ocampo and his friends "petered out," or else, with the primitive tools of the sixteenth century, ceased to yield adequate returns, the Spaniards lost interest in that remote region. The rude trails which connected Pucyura with Cuzco and civilization were at best dangerous and difficult.

And outside of town even the wire fence "petered out," so there was nothing no natural boundary to tell where citizens were under the protection of the stars and stripes or under the domain of the descendants of Montezuma. What had happened, just as Rosemary and Floyd suspected, was that the Yaquis never very peaceable had risen in one of their periodic raids.