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It angered him that she should press him to an act of sacrifice for the man who had so great an influence upon her. Perversity possessed him. Lifelong egotism was too strong for wisdom, or discretion. Suddenly he caught her hands in both of his and said hoarsely: "Do you love me answer me, do you love me with all your heart and soul? The truth now, as though it were your last word on earth."

But the attempts to bribe him and coerce him into a following of fanatical law, when this law did not appeal to his commonsense, forced him into a position that his enemies took for innate perversity. When an eagle is hatched in a barnyard brood and mounts on soaring pinions toward the sun, it is always cursed and vilified because it does not remain at home and scratch in the compost.

But it was for her hardy and happy impudence, her bent for ingenious mischief, her broad and catholic disrespect for law, conventions, proprieties and persons, and the glint of the devil in her black eyes that we really loved her. Such is the perversity of human nature in Our Square. I am told that it is much the same elsewhere. Having concluded, she sat down on a bench and coughed.

The remark recalled to me the dreadful reality, that through some perversity of fate I was doomed to visitations of an uncanny order which were practically destroying my usefulness in my profession and my sole financial resource. "Well," I replied, as my mind reverted to the unpleasant predicament in which I found myself, "I can't say that I know little unhappiness.

The bodies were in various stages of decay, all greatly shrunken in face and figure. Some were but little more than skeletons. "While I stood stupefied with horror by this ghastly spectacle and still holding open the door, by some unaccountable perversity my attention was diverted from the shocking scene and concerned itself with trifles and details.

"Let me read it, Your Majesty," said Lord Stafford, and receiving consent he related the whole story from the time of her coming to Stafford Hall, concluding with, "I know not, Your Highness, why she doth continue to wear the garb unless from dire perversity " "Nay;" cried Francis, her spirit asserting itself.

The repulsive effect produced on mankind by the mere strangeness of a thing, which at length we find established among our indispensable conveniences, or by a practice which has now become one of our habits, must be ascribed sometimes to a proud perversity in our nature; sometimes to the crossing of our interests, and to that repugnance to alter what is known for that which has not been sanctioned by our experience.

The inquiry at first was painful, and half convinced me of the truth of manicheism; but deeper research taught me that the errors of man do not originate in the perversity of his nature, but of his ignorance. These however were most of them after thoughts, for Glibly did not allow us any long pause. 'Yonder, in the green boxes, said he, 'I perceive Mrs. Fishwife, the actress.

Moving along through the pretty forest road, he glanced casually right and left as he advanced, tapping his riding-boots in rhythm to the air he was humming in a careless undertone something about a shepherd and the plural tastes of man. His mood was inspired by that odd merriment which came from sheer perversity.

I tell him to break his engagement, and not be worried so; but he won't, because she has been jilted once and he thinks it 's such a mean thing to do." "Perhaps she 'll jilt him." "I 've no doubt she will, if anything better comes along. But Trix is getting passe, and I should n't wonder if she kept him to his word, just out of perversity, if nothing else."