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"There was a thunder-storm in the morning. It began to clear off toward noon. I didn't go out: I waited to see Midwinter or to hear from him. I had told him that his friend Armadale was persecuting me by means of a hired spy. He had declined to believe it, and had gone straight to Thorpe Ambrose to clear the thing up. I let him kiss my hand before he went.

'Yes, that is an impeachment to which I plead guilty, said Robert, perhaps with equal dryness; 'and you have your worries driven you to throw tolerance overboard? Newcome bent forward quickly. Strange glow and intensity of the fanatical eyes strange beauty of the wasted, persecuting lips! 'Tolerance! he said with irritable vehemence 'tolerance!

Nay, he venomously resented them, though they had long ceased to incommode him. They were connected in his memory with atrocious tedium, pietistic insincerity, and humiliating contacts. At the bottom of his mind he still regarded them as a malicious device of parents for wilfully harassing and persecuting inoffensive, helpless children.

In 1817, Ferdinand VII., released from his captivity in France, and ruled entirely by the persecuting and fanatical party, not satisfied with having re-established the Inquisition, wished also to recall the Jesuits.

It's true for you; he is persecuting them too far; what with revenue police, constabulary police, and magistrates' warrants, they won't let them walk to mass quietly next. I didn't care what they did to Master Myles, but they'd have the worst of it in the end." "And it's little you ought to care for the same Captain, Misthur Thady, av you heard all.

Some of these lovers, it has to be stated in sadness for the good name of man, have not preserved an attitude that said so nobly, 'Child, thou art human thou art woman! They have undone it and gone to pieces with an injured lover's babble of persecuting inquiries for confessions.

"Weel, it's mair than three years ago our brave gentleman scented his game, and ever since has been trying to trap this misguided lass, for like the rest o' them, when he is not persecuting the saints, he is ruining innocent women soul and body. I would have you understand that, daughter, and maybe ye will walk with him less in the pleasaunce."

Defend and free it speedily from the hands of the persecuting Lombards, lest my body which suffered torments for Christ, and my home in which it rests by the command of God, be contaminated by the people of the Lombards, who are guilty of such iniquitous perjury, and are proud transgressors of the divine scripture.

He went to Richmond to testify at his trial, and while there made a public speech full of bitterness against those who, as he thought, were persecuting his friend. He himself was at first strongly suspected of complicity in Burr's project, but there is absolutely no reason to believe that Andrew Jackson ever in his life looked upon an enemy of his country otherwise than as his own mortal foe.

Ramsay-Stewart for the Murphys' farm and he'd get it, and he thought this would be a fine lever to work with. But he never made such a mistake, for little Fanny turned on him like the veriest spitfire. 'You ought to be ashamed of yourself, Black Shawn, she cried, with her eyes flashing, 'to keep persecuting a girl that's as good as wife to another man.