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He has sold out of every company with which you have been, or are associated and has so I understand, sent a complete list of your proposed financial 'deals, investments and other 'stock' to " He paused. "Well!" exclaimed Perousse irascibly "To whom?" "To those whom it may concern," replied Lutera evasively "I really can give you no exact information. I have said enough by way of warning!"

Just as the priests chant long prayers to cover their own iniquity, so do the men of government make long speeches to disguise their own corruption. You know you cannot believe their promises. Neither can you believe the press, for if this is not actually bought by Perousse, it is bribed. And you cannot trust the King; for he is as a house divided against itself which must fall!

"I have my family to think of," said the Marquis slowly; "My reputation as a statesman, and my honour as a minister are both at stake." Perousse smiled oddly, but said nothing. "If in any way my name became a subject of popular animadversion, it would entirely ruin the position I believe I have attained in history.

With perfect dignity and impressive calm, the King quietly demanded whether M. Carl Perousse would be pleased to explain his actions? Whether he had anything to say in response to the charges brought against him?

His refusal to concede more place for the accursed practice of Jesuitry is so far good; but his dismissal of Perousse would be still better!" A perfect hurricane of applause from the people gave emphatic testimony to the truth of these words.

Swaying uneasily round and round, the populace yelled and groaned, and cheered and hissed; not knowing exactly whereunto they were so wildly moved, but evidently waiting for a fresh 'lead. The house of Carl Perousse, with its handsome exterior and stately marble portico, offered itself as a tempting target to the more excitable roughs, and a stone sent crashing through one of the windows would have certainly been the signal for a general onslaught had not a man's figure suddenly climbed the pedestal which supported the statue of the late King in the centre of the square, and lifted its living visible identity against the frowning cold stone image of the dead.

"Sixthly: We are resolved to unmask to the public the duplicity, treachery, and self-interested motives of the Secretary of State, Carl Perousse. "Seventhly: We are sworn to bring about such changes as shall elevate a Republic to supreme power, and for this purpose are solemnly pledged to destroy the present Monarchy." "These," said Sergius Thord, "are the principal objects of our Society's work.

Press forward fearlessly and strive for liberty and justice! To-day we are told that the King has refused crown-lands to the Jesuits. Shall we be told to-morrow that the King has dismissed Carl Perousse from office?" A long wild shout told how this suggestion had gone straight home to the throng. "Shall we be told this, I ask? No! Ten thousand times no!

When I began this bloodless campaign of my own, the present Ministry were on the edge of war. Determined to provoke hostilities with a peaceful Power, they were ready even with arms and ammunition, manufactured by a 'Company, of which Perousse was the director and chief shareholder!

By way of warning, M. Perousse, I may as well tell you frankly, on the authority of my position as Head of the Police, that the Government are on the edge of a dangerous situation!" Perousse looked contemptuous. "Every Government in the world is on the edge of a dangerous situation nowadays!" he retorted; "But any Government that yields to the mob proves itself a mere ministry of cowardice."