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And you, Pero Bernaldez, notary-public of this fleet, are directed to make the same known to him, and give and deliver to me such instrument or instruments as shall be required by me. In this galley "San Francisco," on the second day of the month of November, in the year one thousand five hundred and sixty-eight. Goncallo Pereira

Looking at his lemons, the Signore sighed. I think he hates them. They are leaving him in the lurch. They are sold retail at a halfpenny each all the year round. 'But that is as dear, or dearer, than in England, I say. 'Ah, but, says the maestra, 'that is because your lemons are outdoor fruit from Sicily. Pero one of our lemons is as good as two from elsewhere.

And the King sent for Alvar Fanez and Pero Bermudez, and went apart with them, and praised the Cid, and thanked him for the good will which he had to do him service, and said that he had great desire to see him. Say to him, he said, that I beseech him to come and meet me, for I would speak with him concerning something which is to his good and honour.

Pero acordémonos de que Cervantes para huir de la inverosimilitud que de la exageración debía resultar, hizo loco realmente y enfermo a su héroe, y una enfermedad no es un carácter.

The count was addressing the company, under the last poster threatening him with death, two very energetic lines were inscribed by the person who put up the poster, knowing that he was at the same time running his head into the noose: Si me cogen, me horqueran, Pero no me cogeran. "If they catch me, they will hang me, So I shall not let them catch me."

"Adios, adios, de ti al ausentarme, Para ir en poz de mi fatal estrella, Yo llevo grabada tu imagen bella, Aqui en mi palpitante corazon. "Pero aunque lejos de tu lado me halle No olvides, no, que por tu amor deliro Enviáme siquiera un suspiro, Que consuelo, a mi alma en su dolor.

These were Don Pero Ansures, and Don Ferran Ansures, and Don Gonzalo Ansures, all three brethren: and they went with King Don Sancho's permission, for it was God's pleasure. Now Alimaymon rejoiced in the King Don Alfonzo, and loved him as if he had been his own son.

He was indeed an enemy, and was deeply disappointed at not being able to get Pero, for there were so many burrows about there, and the porcupines had done so much mischief to his various crops potatoes, carrots, rice and roots of many kinds that he was determined to destroy them.

Pero Sanchez hath told you that the dames were dead, as he believed them to be; but we, Sir, know that they are yet alive, having been grievously hurt and wounded with bridles and spurs, and stript of their garments, ... in which plight Felez Munoz found them. Certes such a thing as this cannot please God in heaven, and ought to offend you who are Lord here in your own realm.

En segundas nupcias casó con Doña Leonor de Villanueva, y tuvieron dos hijos; pero no declaran quienes fueron del primer matrimonio, y quienes del segundo. Luis de Leon, religioso del orden de S. Agustin. Documentos inéditos, vol. X, pp. 96-97, 184-185, 255-256; vol. An echo of the charge is faintly audible in Luis de Leon's own testimony.