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They give me the money and I run away; and the dead moujik they are telling everybody is me, which I am blew up to pieces by the package." "And you let the old man bury the moujik and think it was you?" Morris asked. Harkavy nodded. "Over and over again he is telling me I am no good and he wishes I was dead," he said. "I wish I was, Mr. Perlmutter I wish I was!"

"Hyman Kotzen and Potash & Perlmutter agrees it that one thousand dollars what he lent it off of them should not be returned for three months from date, no interest nor nothing. And also, that Potash & Perlmutter should not give up the diamonds, neither. "That's all right," Hymie said. He folded the paper into his pocketbook and turned to Morris.

"Well, who bought it them fixtures at the receiver's sale?" "I got to look it up," Feinstein said. "Hold the wire for a minute." A moment later he returned to the 'phone. "Hallo, Mr. Perlmutter," he said. "They sold for three hundred dollars to a dealer by the name Isaac Flachsman." "Say, looky here, Abe," Morris cried one rainy March morning, "we got to get some more insurance."

"Tell it to Potash to-morrow, Rashkin," he said, and led the way to the hall door. Accordingly the next morning Rashkin entered the salesroom of Potash & Perlmutter, where Abe was scanning the "Arrival of Buyers" column in the Daily Cloak and Suit Record. "Good morning, Mr. Potash," B. Rashkin said. "Ain't it a fine weather?" "Oh, good morning," Abe cried. "You don't know my face, do you?"

Perlmutter was just talking about you to-day. How much you think that boy weighs now?" "Sixteen pounds," Miss Smith replied. "Twenty-two," Morris cried "net." "You don't say so!" said Miss Smith. "We got you to thank for that, Miss Smith," Morris continued. "The doctor says without you anything could happen."

"If anyone can put it through, I can," was his motto, and he tackled the job of procuring an uptown loft for Potash & Perlmutter with the utmost confidence. "In the first place," he said when he called the next day, "you boys has got too much room." "Boys!" Morris exclaimed. "Since when did we go to school together, Henochstein?" "Anyhow, you got too much room, ain't yer?"

"Not much, Mawruss," Abe admitted, "but I know one thing about gold bricks, Mawruss: you don't got to pay no taxes on 'em." That evening B. Rashkin again presented himself at the One Hundred and Eighteenth Street residence of Morris Perlmutter, and with him came Isaac Pinsky, of the firm of Pinsky & Gubin, architects. Mr.

Montague Glass's Abe Potash and Morris Perlmutter, long since moved uptown from their original loft in Division Street in the stories, and in Leonard Street in fact. The crowd is thickest at the Twenty-first Street corner, where, in the novels of other days, the mature burghers used to watch the passing ladies from the windows of the Union Club. But there is little inclination to tarry long there.

If a petition in bankruptcy be filed by or against said Kleebaum in consideration aforesaid I promise to pay to Potash & Perlmutter on demand the said sum of twenty-one hundred dollars. "If he signs that, Mawruss," Abe said, "you are safe in giving him the note." Morris put on his hat and lit a cigar.

The fathers was rated at the very least D to F first credit, and what is it? The most of 'em I wouldn't marry, not if the rating was Aa 1 even, such faces they got it, understand me; and the others which is got the looks, y'understand, you could take it from me, Mr. Perlmutter, they couldn't even cook a pertater even."