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"I reckon that's him." "Well, if you is, you better axe fer him jes' that-a-way PerFESser PERfesser Burnham. Well, PERFESSER Burnham won't sanctify dis hall wid his presence fer quite a long while quite a long while. May I inquire, son, if yo' purpose is to attend dis place o' learnin'?" "I come to go to college."

Twenty year or more agone I came here fust. There was four of us white men; me as cook, two prospectors, and the perfesser. "He was a queer bloke, that perfesser, clever, too, but bless yer he didn't know heverythink! I'd bin with him a long time, and he used ter tell me more'n he tole the other fellers . . . a clever sort of chap . . . but he didn't know heverythink.

"This quite overcomes me," said Professor Gray to Mr. Hooper. "I hurried back to invite some of my pupils to hear a message from Mr. Edison's laboratory; but trust Bill to do the thing in a monumental fashion!" "That there lad's a reg'lar rip-snorter, Perfesser. You can't beat him.

I knowed we would!" fairly yelled Washington, leaping to his feet. "I knowed dat no old meteor could kerflumox us! Perfesser Henderson he done jumped our boat ober it laik a hunter jumps his boss ober a fence. Golly! I'se feelin' better now!" "How did you avoid it?" asked Mark of the professor. "With the help of the repelling machine and by changing our course. But we did it only just in time.

"Wa'al, 'Zeke Swinney was a perfesser of religion some years ago, an' mebbe he is now, but what he said to me on this pertic'ler occasion was that he'd see me in hell fust, an' then he wouldn't.

"Did this -this perfesser get his orders from Bill McKay?" "I should say not," answered Ned with a mirthless laugh. "Who was it you was to look up?" "I don't know what you mean." "Yes you do. Don't try to make a monkey of me. You'll be willing to answer right smart after I've fanned you with a forty-four. Who is it you and your bunch are after?" "We are after no one.

But you know how it is, Si Ann, in the berry lot now if there are bushes hangin' full of big ones jest over the fence and somebody else is gittin' 'em all, you kinder want to jine in and git some on 'em yourself, though you may be a perfesser and singin' a Sam tune at the time, specially if the fence is broke down that separates you.

"I saw that thing crawlin' round, 'n' I was a-wonderin' what it was, fer I never seen one afore. I knowed Cap was a scolard, 'n' a perfesser, 'n' all that 'n' I 'lowed he c'd tell me all about it. So I went 'n' axed him." "What'd he tell ye?" "He told me lots o' big, heathenish words, 'n' said this bug was a ridiculous, or suthin' like that."

"Step up, perfesser," cried Allen heartily, slapping him on the back. Fresno grinned and solemnly rolled up his sleeves. His comrades eyed his every move closely. He spat on his hands, approached the piano, and glared fiercely at the keyboard. "My ma had one of them there things when I was a yearlin'," he observed. Fresno spun the seat of the piano-stool until it almost twirled off the screw.

However, it did suggest a sportsman of the variety usually portrayed in the comic supplements, and, to complete the picture, in Professor Hooker's hands and under his arms were yellow pigskin bags and rod cases, so that he looked like the show window of a harness store. "Fo' de land sakes!" exclaimed the Jellys' coloured maid, oblivious of her suds. "Fo' de Lawd! Am dat Perfesser Hookey?" It was!