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For in the world of London, the per-lite world, Barnabas, clothes ain't garments to keep a man warm they're works of art; in the country a man puts 'em on, and forgets all about 'em in the per-lite world he has 'em put on for him, and remembers 'em. In the country a man wears his clothes, in the per-lite world his clothes wears him, ah! and they're often the perlitest thing about him, too!"

"Ha! they're very good clothes, Barnabas, yes indeed; just the very thing for the country." "The country! I had these made for London, Natty Bell." "For London, Barnabas hum!" "What do you mean by 'hum, Natty Bell?" "Why look ye now 't is a good sensible coat, I'll not deny, Barnabas; likewise the breeches is serviceable but being only a coat and breeches, why they ain't per-lite enough.

"They had lanterns an' some pine-knots, grandad, what they lighted, an' the leader sent a squad ter 'reconnoitre, ez he called it. An' whilst he waited he stood an' talked ter me about the roads in Greenbrier an' the lay o' the land over thar. He war full per-lite an' genteel." "I'll be bound ye looked like a 'crazy Jane," cried the grandmother, with sudden exasperation.

Brummell him as they call the 'Beau' well, he ain't exactly a Lord Nelson nor yet a Champion of England, he ain't never done nothing, good, bad, or indifferent but he does know how to wear his clothes consequently he's a very famous gentleman indeed in the per-lite world, Barnabas." Here there fell a silence while Barnabas stared up at the inn and Natty Bell stared down at him.