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"If you make the price right, of course," answered Bart. "We can afford to underbid them all," declared Darry; and so the matter was settled. "Oh, by the way," said Darry, as he was about to leave "Lem Wacker's out of a job again." "You don't surprise me," remarked Bart, "but how is that?" "Why, Martin & Company are buying green peppers at seventy cents a bushel.

The potatoes and cabbages and onions are really important, but I am proudest of my young peas and my peppers and cucumbers and tomatoes, and that's the way of the world, isn't it? If there was only an aristocracy things would stop, but the common folk could go on alone until the end of time."

Cut the Spanish peppers into rings and arrange them just above the peas. Put here and there around the base, above the peas, ripe or green olives, and send to the table. This will serve at supper or luncheon ten persons. For impromptu evening affairs any cold left-over meat may be utilized in a salad. Beef, mutton and tongue are usually served with French dressing, seasoned with tomato catsup.

'You know what's good in New York. "So I ordered. "And I want to tell you that the dinner was a particularly good one well cooked and well served. We had soup and fish and an Italian ragout, macaroni, peppers and two bottles of red wine.

Arrange on a bed of crisp lettuce leaves and pour over each tomato a tablespoon of thick boiled dressing. Take two cups of cold, cooked Lima beans, two stalks of chopped celery, one dozen chopped olives, one teaspoon of onion juice, one teaspoon of salt, and a dash of red pepper. Mix thoroughly and serve on lettuce leaves with French dressing and garnish with green and red peppers cut in squares.

It was a simple dinner and a little stodgy for that time of the year, but the two men were hungry and sat at table, almost alone in the upper room, for a long time, saying how good everything was, and from time to time despatching the saturnine waiter, a Madrileno, for more peppers.

Izzy called her ma to come in, but the old lady was picking a chicken in the patio and begged to be excused. So we stood up and the consul performed the ceremony. "That evening Mrs. Bowers cooked a great supper of stewed goat, tamales, baked bananas, fricasseed red peppers and coffee.

Put a large tablespoonful of butter in a spider and heat the dressing for the peppers in it for a few minutes; then stuff them, tie on the tops and the sides together also.

She wore a blue linen skirt, a white waist, and her sleeves were rolled up. The sun glinted on her uncovered hair, blazed in the bright tin basin into which she was dropping scarlet peppers. She appeared younger than he had remembered her; her arms were youthful and softly dimpled; her brow seemed again the calm, guileless brow of a girl; her eyes, as she raised them in greeting, were serene.

He then singed and prepared the cutia, finishing by running a spit through the body and fixing one end in the ground in a slanting position over the fire. We had brought with us a bag of farinha and a cup containing a lemon, a dozen or two of fiery red peppers, and a few spoonsful of salt.