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'Well, at last came the worst indignity of all: Pepper was driven from his rug his own particular rug to make room for the baby; and when he had got away into a corner to cry quietly, all by himself, that wretched baby came and crawled after him and pulled his tail!

Red Pepper Burns gently released himself from his wife's arms, walked over to the window, and stood there looking out into the thick branches of a magnolia tree, the ends of which came so close he could almost put out a hand into the night and touch them. There was suddenly upon him a deep realization of just how much her words meant.

It was Pere Lantz, the "old dolphin," who was standing there with Maurice beside him and three or four of the auxiliary engineers; and, upon my word, in spite of his cap, which seemed to date from the time of Horace Vernet's "Smala," the poor man, with his glasses upon his nose, long cloak, and pepper colored beard, had no more prestige than a policeman in a public square, one of those old fellows who chase children off the grass, threatening them with their canes.

They will not be fit to eat for some months; but are then finely flavoured, and by many are preferred to capers. NEAT'S TONGUE. If intended to be stewed, it should be simmered for two hours, and peeled. Then return it to the same liquor, with pepper, salt, mace, and cloves, tied up in a piece of cloth.

"Well, I was sent up into Vermont to stay at the old place. There was a little girl there; a bright, black-eyed little girl. She was my cousin, and her name was Mary Bartlett." "Who's Mary Bartlett?" asked Joel, interrupting. "There she is, sir," said Mr. Whitney, pointing to Mrs. Pepper, who was laughing and crying together. "Where?" said Joel, utterly bewildered. "I don't see any Mary Bartlett.

As they approached the village the ninth April shower of the afternoon came blustering up, accompanied by a burst of wind and considerable thunder and lightning, so that when they caught sight of the low-lying old brick house, well back from the street, which was Red Pepper Burns's combined home and office, after the fashion of the village doctor, it was through a wall of rain.

No bones had been broken, but the acrobatic youth had received a shaking up that was severe. So far he had not been told of his loss, and when he asked for his belongings he was much depressed by the news. "Couldn't find them anywhere?" he repeated, to Pepper. "Oh, are you sure you made a good search?" "We certainly did, Andy," returned Pepper. "We went back the next day, early in the morning."

"Oh, Pepper is sure the world is going to come to an end before the public has a chance to see him in his great rescue act of 'Out on The Deep, I guess," replied Paul Ardite. "Cheer up!" he added. "The worst is yet to come." "You're right there," agreed Mr. Sneed, darkly. "There'll be an accident before this day is over, mark my words!"

Take a large bunch of celery, cut it fine, and boil it till soft, in a pint of water; thicken it with butter and flour, and season it with salt, pepper, and mace. Bacon Dumplings.

When you take the beef from the oven, remove the paste, but do not remove the tape until you are ready to send it to the table. If you wish, to eat the beef cold, keep it well covered that it may retain its moisture. Mix together three teaspoonfuls of salt, one of pepper, one of ginger, one of mace, one of cinnamon, and two of cloves.