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Who first to hear the wondrous news but his Princess? That there was a vacancy in Hickney Heath he knew, as all Great Britain knew; for Ponting, the Radical Member, had died suddenly the day before. But it had never entered his head that he could be chosen as a candidate. "Mais j'y ai bien pense, moi," came the voice through the telephone.

"Toutes les propriétés que nous trouvons en la chose qui pense ne sont que des façons différentes de penser." Ibid. 96.

You are rubbish, you are my fancy!” “Well, if you like, I have the same philosophy as you, that would be true. Je pense, donc je suis, I know that for a fact; all the rest, all these worlds, God and even Satanall that is not proved, to my mind.

Kind reader, who knows how many times in your sitting-room or perhaps in somebody else's even dearer to you honi soit qui mal y pense! you have found yourself in front of a tiger, leopard or panther whose brindled and glossy skin you have admired; who knows how many times you have absently played with its head, still ferocious-looking, in spite of its glass eyes and red cloth tongue; who knows how often you have toyed with its fangs and claws whilst you were persuing a pleasant thought or inebriating your spirit with the soft tones of a certain voice!

Quand un Chrétien se determine A voyager, Faut bien penser qu'il se destine A des dangers; Mille fois a ses yeux la mort Prend son image, Mille fois il maudit son sort Dans le cours du voyage. Quand tu seras dans les portages, Pauvre engagé, Les sueurs te couleront dea visages Pauvre affligé, Loin de jurer, si tu me crois, Dans ta colère, Pense

The garter on his knee, broad and golden, showed her the words: 'Y pense'; the collars moved up and down on his immense chest, the needlework of roses was so fine that she wondered how many women had sat up how many nights to finish it: but the man was grey and homely. 'I know none of your ways here, she said. 'Never let fear blanch thy cheeks till we are no more thy friend, he reassured her.

Thence to my wife, and calling at both the Exchanges, buying stockings for her and myself, and also at Leadenhall, where she and I, it being candlelight, bought meat for to-morrow, having never a mayde to do it, and I myself bought, while my wife was gone to another shop, a leg of beef, a good one, for six pense, and my wife says is worth my money. So walked home with a woman carrying our things.

A judge who hath often used to examine theeves, becomes the more expert to sift out their tricks. If mischief come hereupon, blame not me, nor blame my Author: lay the saddle on the right horse: but Hony soit qui mal y pense: let shame light on him that hatcht the mischief. to the Magnificent LAURENCE sonne to PETER OF MEDICIS health.

I think he ought to know. I do not like you to rest even under the shadow of an impropriety; he would not know what to think of seeing you alone with a young man. 'As for that, said Margaret, rather haughtily, 'I hold it is "Honi soit qui mal y pense." Yet still I should choose to have it explained, if any natural opportunity for easy explanation occurs.

"I know a gallant steed by tokens sure, And by his eyes I know a youth in love," declaimed Stepan Arkadyevitch, just as he had done before to Levin. Vronsky smiled with a look that seemed to say that he did not deny it, but he promptly changed the subject. "And whom are you meeting?" he asked. "I? I've come to meet a pretty woman," said Oblonsky. "You don't say so!" "Honi soit qui mal y pense!