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"I didn't mean to be flippant, mother," said Eleanor penitently, "but I do believe the Christian religion has got to be presented in a different way, and a more vital way, to appeal to a new generation. I am merely looking facts in the face." "What is the Christian religion?" asked Sally's husband, George Bridges, who held a chair of history in the local flourishing university.

"It is a hard pull for the poor old thing," said Philippa penitently; "I ought not to have come this way." "We'll give him a rest when we get to the top. It won't hurt him, but it makes me feel as if I ought to get out and walk." "You ought to do no such thing," she retorted quickly. "The very idea is preposterous." Francis laughed at her vehemence.

I must go to several more parties, because they are made for me, but after that I'll refuse, and then no one need be troubled with me." Something in Rose's voice made Mac answer penitently, even while he knit his brows in perplexity. "I don't mean to be rude, and of course I'll go anywhere if I'm really needed.

"How you must hate me, Charlie, for annoying you so, and trying to lead you wrong!" said Wilton, penitently. "Indeed I don't, Wilton," said Charlie; "I wish you weren't going to leave. I'm sure we should all get on better now." "Don't think me as bad as I have seemed, Charlie. I was ashamed at heart all the time I was trying to persuade you to crib and tell lies, and do like other fellows.

Once, when the Judge was perceptibly better, she flung the paper out of the window, and left the room. He called her back penitently. "My dear," he said, smiling admiration, "forgive an old bear. A selfish old bear, Jinny; my only excuse is my love for the Union. When you are not here, I lie in agony, lest she has suffered some mortal blow unknown to me, Jinny.

"I'd ruther bed down with a corral full uh calves at weanin' time, than be anywheres within ten mile uh you darned, mouthy " The rest was indistinguishable, but it did not matter. The Happy Family, save Slim, who stayed to look after the patient, tiptoed penitently off the porch and took themselves and their enthusiasm down to the bunk-house.

"Wait a minute, Bessie, before you let them in. You have done me so much good; you always do. I will try not to mope and vex mother and Christine while you are away." And Hatty threw her arms penitently round her sister's neck. Bessie returned her kisses warmly, and left the room with a light heart.

Falkirk and t'other gents not enough patience to divide among 'em and go half round How much patience Mr. Falkirk carried to the general stock does not appear. But presently, lifting one corner of her basket lid, Wych Hazel drew forth a radiant spray of roses, and laid them penitently upon the averted line of her guardian's coatsleeve. 'Where did you get that? he said.

But all families are better off by themselves, and in one way I think I've stayed too long already." "You mean Thomas?" She nodded, her eyes full of tears. "I ought to have gone before it happened," she said penitently; "any woman with a grain of sense can usually see that that sort of thing coming, and ward it off beforehand.

She understood then the hurt they had carried away with them and hoped penitently that each had found the comfort and love he had craved. She wondered how and where she was to look for comfort. She saw with something very much like horror that, unlike the men who had sought her, she dared make no plea, could not by word or look give any sign of what had befallen her.