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In his treatise on falconry, Zuniga mentions the Bahari falcon, propagated principally among the mountains of Penacerrada. My ancestors originally called themselves Martinez de Baroja. One Martin had a son who was known as Martinez. The Martinez de Barojas lived in that country for many years; they were hidalgos, Christians of old stock. And there is still a family of the name in Penacerrada.

They were members of the Brotherhood of San Martin de Penacerrada, which apparently was of great account in those regions, besides being regidors and alcaldes of the Santa Hermandad, a rural police and judicial organization which extended throughout the country.

Francis Xavier, Don Teodosio de Goni, Pero Lopez de Ayala, Aviraneta a saint, a revered worthy, an historian, a conspirator these are our family gods. Now let me take my stand with Chateaubriand as attaching no importance to such things. Baroja is a hamlet in the province of Alava in the district of Penacerrada. According to Fernandez Guerra, it is an Iberian name derived from Asiatic Iberia.

I believe that I have read in Campion that the word Baroja is compounded from the Celtic bar, meaning mountain, and the Basque otza, ocha meaning cold. In short, a cold mountain. The district of Penacerrada, which includes Baroja, is an austere land, covered with intricate mountain ranges which are clad with trees and scrub live oaks. Hawks abound.