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Yes, the figures tell the story a tale of occasional success, but often of failure and woe. A bracketed set of fractions explains the range of prices for broken pekoes, another set deals with common pekoes, another with orange pekoes, and still another with common souchongs. Then follow such words as "steady," "generally firm," and "somewhat lower" each a phrase with potential significance.

The Cox's Orange Pekoes have done frightfully well this year the new blend, you know; or should I say hybrid?" At this moment my wife appeared, looking particularly charming in a mousseline de soie aux fines herbes anglicé, a sprigged muslin. I seized her hand and led her aside. "Lord RHONDDA'S myrmidon is upon us!" I hissed. "'Tis for your husband's life, child.

This stream is called by the Chinese, the river of the Nine Windings, from the circuitous turnings which it takes amongst the hills of Woo-e- shan. Here the finest Souchongs and Pekoes are produced, but I believe that they rarely find their way to Europe, or only in small quantities. The temple we had now reached was small and insignificent building.

Every eight or twelve days the shoots and young leaves are plucked when treated these become the tea of commerce. Tea-plants are alike, speaking generally, grades being effected by the discrimination of picker and sorter. Fresh buds and tender young leaves make the pekoes, older ones the souchongs.