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Burke, without the protection of a raincoat, walked back and forth in the small compass of space allowed the peg-post watcher, beating his arms together to warm himself against the sickening chill of his dripping clothes. As he waited he saw a man come out of the corner saloon. It was no other than Shultberger, the proprietor of the café and its cabaret annex.

And for preventing the robbery McCurdy has the peg-post cop made a captain; thus enabling him to wear diamonds of his own and raising him above the need of taking them from others. These examples of what the god can do are mere fiction; the story that comes now really happened. It also is a story of coincidence.

The twilight was now stronger, if still dull and as cold as the air it coloured, rendering P. Sybarite grateful for Peter Kenny's inverness as the car surged spiritedly up the deserted avenue, its disdain for speed regulations ignored by the string of yawning peg-post cops almost the only human beings in sight.

"And he began hopparating on that singlar and ingenus elecktricle inwention, which aniliates time, and carries intellagence in the twinkling of a peg-post. "'I'll ask, says he, 'for child marked G. W. 273. "Back comes the telegraph with the sign, 'All right. "'Ask what he's doing, sir, says my wife, quite amazed. Back comes the answer in a Jiffy

You're not on peg-post to-night, so you can do it." "All right, Cap." Burke saluted and left the station, falling into line with the other men who were marching out on relief. A half hour later he dropped into the office of the police surgeon, and was greeted warmly by the old gentleman. MacFarland was smoking his pipe in comfort after the cares and worries of a busy day.