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We live in a peewee world which our senses create and declare that outside of what we see, smell, taste and hear there is nothing. It is twenty-five thousand miles around the earth stellar space is not computable; and man can walk in a day about thirty miles. Above the ground he can jump about four feet. In a city his unaided ear can hear his friend call about two hundred feet.

"'I got to go 'n' tell Butsy there's a judge comin'! says Peewee. "'Butsy's sore about somethin', he says when he gets back. "This Judge Tate unloads hisself from the car when Orphy brings him, like he's the most important piece of work fur miles around. He has little side-whiskers 'n' a bay-window with a big gold chain stretched across it.

And they say there are more motor-boats between Clayton and Ogdensburg than anywhere else in America." "How many?" inquired John. "I have been told that there are more than a thousand." "Well," said George, "I'm deeply impressed by the modesty of Peewee.

The doc says his arm's broke 'n' he's hurt inside. He comes to before they puts him in the ambulance. "'Why didn't you let another boy ride? says the assistant starter, who's helpin' the doc. "'Ride hell! says Micky. 'He runs off with them other boobs. "Me 'n' Peewee Simpson gets Hamilton to the stall.

'Head fur the nearest telegraph office 'n' I'll wire Peewee. "'They're likely to ask a stiff price fur this hoss, I says when we gets to the telegraph office. "'Buy him, he says. "'Do you mean the sky's the limit? I says, 'n' he nods. "We cross on the ferry after sendin' the wire. He has the battle-ship under wraps till we hit the open country, 'n' then he lets her step.

"Peewee looks at me fur a minute like you done a while ago. "'Don't wake me up! he says. 'I must then he stops 'n' takes another slant at me. 'Say! he says, 'I'll bet you've got next! I ain't told you yet who put you hep? "'Hep to what? I says. "'Why, this hoss works a mile in forty yesterday, says Peewee. 'I'm goin' to cop with him next week. "'Your work's coarse, I says.

In the other half is a pond with a shoot-the-chutes runnin' down into it. "'Where's the lake? Peewee says to Orphy. "'Right in front of your nose, says Orphy, pointin' at the pond. "'She's some body of water, says Peewee. 'If you ain't careful a big rough guy'll come along here with a tin cup some dark night 'n' go south with her. "'I guess not, says Orphy. 'She's four feet deep in spots.

"What part of Ohio do you fellows come from?" "The Ohio River used to be in our geography," Peewee said. "It's there yet," Roy said; "we should worry, let it stay there." "Do you know where Columbus is?" Peewee shouted. "He's dead," Roy said; "do you fellows come from anywhere near Dayton?"

When the Baron mouthed he became in expression Punchinello with his finger alongside his nose, his face tightening and knotting into cunning. "Pretty soft on the Granite Jaw! Yum yum yum!" "Little devil! Little devil! I'll catch you and spank you to death." "Yum! Yum!" "It's better to have loved a short man Than never to have loved atall." "Little peewee, you! Jastrow ain't short.

"I guess they suspected what you had in the basket," laughed Fred. "That may be," acknowledged John. "At all events it saved them buying a good spread, for they took me on board right away and we trailed you all the way up the Hudson. I tell you, Peewee, it's a comfort to ride in a good boat. That Varmint II can travel! Oh, I don't know how many knots an hour!"