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"I hope so," said Fred, his courage quickly rising again. "By the way, Fred," said John, "you never told us any more about that man who came for the bond." "I haven't any more to tell," said Fred quietly. "Now look here, Peewee," spoke up Grant. "That bond wasn't yours. It belonged to the Go Ahead boys. I don't see why you assume all the rights of ownership." "I don't," protested Fred.

I wouldn't resk the seats this mornin' if I was you. "'What's wrong with 'em? says Mrs. Boone, 'n' pokes her head in the door. 'Land a Liberty! she says. 'I shall certainly write to the Banner about this! I call it disgraceful! Then she sets down on the trunk. "I'm standin' up, but Peewee's still on it. She covers the whole trunk, but a little corner, 'n' Peewee tries to set on that.

Butsy can't go to sleep 'n' he gets wild. "'What th' hell are you laughin' at? he says. 'If you don't cut this out 'n' let me get my rest I'll quit the game tomorrow! "It gets so I don't dare look at Peewee fur fear we'll get started 'n' Butsy'll quit. "At a burg called Mansfield I finds a good bunch of live ones 'n' we grabs off three hundred life-savers.

Peewee the wee Peewee, Miss Hope," said the audacious youth, sliding, as it were, unconsciously and naturally into greater familiarity. "Ah! I know you know all his sermons by heart, for you never look away from him. What on earth are they all about?" What a contrast to Gabriel's awkward silence of the moment before! Such a handsome face! such a musical voice!

I once undertook to hold down its editorial page; but soon "got sore at myself," cursed everything connected therewith, from the pink-haired president of the company to the peewee business manager, got out, purified myself and have been sick at the stomach ever since. Should a man lay a copy of the foul sheet on my parlor table, I'd blow his head off with a shotgun.

My grandfather would not let me wear mourning for him. I wore a blue ribbon the day Dr. Peewee preached his funeral sermon; and I did not care to wear black. Aunty, I had seen him too little to love him like a father, you know." She said it almost as if apologizing to Mrs. Simcoe, who merely bowed her head. It was past midnight.

The Black Growler also had taken on a rolling motion and although all four of the Go Ahead boys declared that they enjoyed the experience it was noticed after a brief time that Fred was strangely quiet. He was still at the wheel and apparently devoting all his thought to his task. "Say, fellows, will you take a look at Peewee?" demanded George about ten minutes later.

"He leads me round in front of the stalls. In two of 'em is the hosses all bedded down nice. Butsy is settin' in the stall with his stud. He makes a puddle wherever he sets. "'How did you get 'em open? I says. "'They ain't locked, says Peewee. 'None of 'em are. The padlocks is closed, but not locked. "No, I says.

There was never one of Mr. Gray's boys who could honestly declare that he had seen Hope Wayne looking at either of the pews in which they sat. Perhaps she did not hear what Dr. Peewee said, although she looked at him so steadily. Perhaps her heart did not look out of her eyes, but was busy with a hundred sweet fancies in which some one of those fascinated boys had a larger share than he knew.

He gave the insidious vice no quarter. He charged upon it from all sides at once. Lying couldn't stand for a moment. White lies, black lies, blue lies, and green lies, lies of ceremony, of charity, and of good intention disappeared before the lightning of his wrath. They are all children of the Devil, with different complexions, said Dr. Peewee.