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"Ah, but it would do your heart good av you could take a peep at us about twelve o'clock, dancing 'Dirty James' for a bolero, and just see Miss Catrina, the lady's maid, doing 'cover the buckle' as neat as Nature.

Hindhaugh kept up his air of good-humour, although the full sense of the risk he ran was in his mind. His threat of shooting had made the Spaniards suspicious, although they were used to big talk of the kind. One peep into the cabin would have brought on a collision, and although the Englishmen might have fought, there was nothing to gain by a fight.

And almost at the same instant the young man and his wife laid themselves flat on the ground among the bushes, but they were very careful, each of them, to take a position which would allow them to peep out through the twigs and leaves upon the scene before them.

"Bring her around to north," said the commander. When we submerged it had been a chilly day, with a peep of the sun every now and again. The weather had changed since we left our berth under the sea. The sky was overcast, and snow was falling. And this change in the weather had taken place while the captain had been accomplishing one of Jules Verne's dreams.

Gamble looked horribly perturbed at these words. 'Shut it, said he, nearing the door, on which Toole's hand rested. Toole took another peep, and did so. 'Why, there's nothing there like like the women down at the Mills there, continued the doctor. 'What about the women? enquired Gamble, not seeming to know very well what he was saying, agitated still perhaps, intending to keep Toole talking.

Fox a comin'! En den Brer Rabbit he tuck de chilluns by der years en make um set down, en den him and Miss Rabbit sorter dally roun' waitin' for Brer Fox. En dey keep on waitin' for Brer Fox. En dey keep on waitin', but no Brer Fox ain't come. Atter 'while Brer Rabbit goes to de do', easy like, en peep out, en dar, stickin' fum behime de cornder, wuz de tip-een' er Brer Fox tail.

'What was that? Did anybody call? 'Nobody I heard, said Danton, staring stonily round. 'It may have been the passing of the wind, suggested Mr Craik, after a pause. 'Peep between the blinds, Mr Craik; it may be poor Mr Bethany confronting Pneumonia in the porch. 'There's no one there, Mrs Lovat, said the curate, returning softly from his errand.

Then he silenced every murmur in Austria, so that no foe dared lift up the voice or peep. Then he poured his legions into Hungary, swept back the tide of victory which had been following the Hungarian banners, and struck blow after blow, until Gabriel Bethlehem was compelled to cry for peace and mercy. Bohemia, previously disarmed and impoverished, was speedily struck down.

"It is to cover up some mischief on their part." "If we only knowed when dey don't stands right under him, we would shove off de end off and let him drop onto dem and mash 'em all!" "It would take a good deal more strength than we have to do that," said Jack. "I would like to take another peep over the edge, but it won't do, because they will be on the lookout for us."

"I'm sure I don't know what to say to him," said Rectus. "We ought to have thought of this before. I suppose it would be of no use to mention my poster to him." "No, indeed," said I; "he'd never understand that. And, besides, there's a man down there. Let's peep out and see what he's doing."