United States or Nicaragua ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Even with the purse of a millionaire, the best of the city's markets is no substitute for a garden; for Nature and life are here, and these are not bought and sold. From stalls and pedlers' wagons we can buy but dead and dying things. The indolent epicure's enjoyment of game is not the relish of the sportsman who has taken his dinner direct from the woods and waters.

She had scorned them in her girlhood, when they came trading to post after post. She scorned them still. The idea of being forced to wage a war with pedlers was to her too monstrous to be believed. In the outset she had no doubt that the Mexicans would win in the contest. "What!" she cried, "shall we who won independence from Spain, be beaten by these traders? It is impossible!"

"There does seem to be something in this; and it stands to reason, what will do for a nation of pedlers won't do for us. Why, when I recollect that they are buried in snows half the year, and living on nothing else the other half, I wonder how they get the water to boil at all. Answer that, Bunce."

Can I sell you a copy of 'The Wayfarer' to-day? a new book, just published." "No; I don't want none of your books. There's more pedlers round the country now than you could shake a stick at in a month," replied the old lady petulantly. "It is a very interesting book, ma'am; has an excellent moral." Bobby had read the preface, as I before remarked.

The shoemaker plies his trade in the open thoroughfare; cooking is going on at all hours in the gutters beside the roads; itinerant pedlers dispense food made of mysterious materials; the barber shaves his customer upon the sidewalk; the universal fan is carried by the men, and not by the women.

But the baronage or squirearchy of the country were of another mind. These, in the late anarchies, had set up for a kind of kings in their own right. What were pedlers and mechanic fellows made for, if not to be plundered when needful? Arbitrary rule, on the part of these noble robber lords! To these gentlemen a Statthalter coming to inquire into matters was no welcome phenomenon.

This last speech finished the fate of the silk. If rumor had reached down to the strata of pedlers, etc., it simply could not be disregarded. Mrs. Bell bargained and haggled for the best part of an hour. She stripped herself of many necessary garments, and even ransacked her very meagre little collection of jewelry.

Instead, they found the polls surrounded with ticket pedlers shouting: "Walk right up here now, and get your Unconditional-Union-Abraham-Lincoln -tickets!" "Here's your straight-haired prosecution-of-the-war ticket." "Vote the Lincoln ticket; vote to whip the Rebels, and make peace with them when they've laid down their arms." "Don't vote a McClellan ticket and gratify Rebels, everywhere," etc.

There are petty employers, and master-artisans, bootmakers, brush-makers, cabinet-makers, turners, shoemakers, tailors, blacksmiths; there are cab-drivers, young women living alone, and female pedlers, laundresses, old-clothes dealers, money- lenders, day-laborers, and people without any definite employment; and also beggars and dissolute women.

He might easily know, that what was presented, as the sense of the people, is the sense only of the profligate and dissolute; and, that whatever parliament should be convened, the same petitioners would be ready, for the same reason, to request its dissolution. As we once had a rebellion of the clowns, we have now an opposition of the pedlers.