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We follow him round as he "peddles out all the wit he can gather from Time or from Nature," and we find that "he has changed his market cart into a chariot of the sun," and is carrying about the morning light as merchandise. Emerson was as loyal an American, as thorough a New Englander, as home-loving a citizen, as ever lived. He arraigned his countrymen sharply for their faults. Mr.

In fact, this is his Sanctuary and he peddles under the eye of the police. "Holy Land?" Ha, ha! "All the patriarchs out of the Bible here?" Oh, the vociferous gentlemen with patriarchal names in velveteen coats under the banners and canvas sign-boards Moses, Aaron, and so forth? They were the "bookies," otherwise bookmakers, generally Jews and sometimes Welshers.

When a Persian king was directed by his wise men to wear the shirt of a contented man, the only contented man in the kingdom had no shirt. The most contented man in Boston does not live on Commonwealth avenue or do business on State street: he is poor and blind, and he peddles needles and thread, buttons and sewing-room supplies, about the streets of Boston from house to house. Dr.

"Would you put me in your book then?" "Assuredly." "Why then," said the Tinker, "it's true I mends kettles, sharpens scissors and such, but I likewise peddles books an' nov-els, an' what's more I reads 'em so, if you must put me in your book, you might call me a literary cove." "A literary cove?" said I.

The handling of intoxicating drinks continued openly until these centers of pollution were closed by an emphatic expression of the nation's conscience. Now, the fight is against the bootlegger and the smuggler. The man who peddles liquor, like the man who sells habit-forming drugs, is an outlaw and his trade is branded as an enemy of society.

"Yes, and a lobbygow for the grapevine system of selling the dope under this new law." "Where does he get the supply to sell?" asked Kennedy, casually. The pickpocket shrugged his shoulders. "No one knows, I suppose," Kennedy commented to me. "But he gets it in spite of the added restrictions and peddles it in little packets, adulterated, and at a fabulous price for such cheap stuff.

Her eyes might have been microscopes and I something smeared on a slide. "Weener, youre the sort of man who peddles Life Begins at Forty to the inmates of an old peoples' home." I couldnt see what had upset her. The last idea had sound salesappeal, but it was a low income market.... Oh well her queer notions and obscure reactions undoubtedly went with her scientific gift.

"Good-bye, Sivert man," says he all at once. "No, I can't get up to Sellanraa this time, after all; tell your father. I've a heap of things to see to. But I'll come later on say that...." Aronsen spits after him, and says: "Ought to be shot!" For three days the caravan peddles its wares, selling out the contents of the sacks, and getting good prices. It was a brilliant piece of business.

You go off for tarrapin, an' taters, an' oysters, an' peddles 'em aroun' Prencess Anne, an' then somebody pulls you in the grog-shops an' away goes your money, an' your mother ain't got no tea and coffee." "Jack," said Levin, abruptly, "do you believe in ghosts?" "I don't know, Levin. If I saw one maybe I would, but I'm too trashy for ghosts to see me."

Didn't you go to Yellagain where the police arrested the whole Freshman class for painting the Sophomores green? Well, it's the same way all over. No sooner does a college town get big enough to support a rudimentary policeman who peddles vegetables when he isn't putting down anarchy than it gets busy and begins to regulate the college students.