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The idea of taking the King of Saugamauk alive seemed amusing to the guides, and to Crimmins particularly. But Uncle Adam, whose colossal frame and giant strength seemed to put him peculiarly in sympathy with the great moose bull, declared that it could and should be done, for he would do it.

Nothing less peculiarly appropriate to a young girl of seventeen than some of his sermons could be imagined and yet they were all addressed to Enid Vane. It was as if he were trying to strengthen her for some dread conflict, some warfare of life and death, which his foreseeing eye discerned for her in days to come. Enid was allowed to do a little district-visiting in the parish, and Mr.

So peculiarly the lady in it. Just colour enough for beauty." "I have always admired her complexion," replied Emma, archly; "but do not I remember the time when you found fault with her for being so pale? When we first began to talk of her. Have you quite forgotten?" "Oh! no what an impudent dog I was! How could I dare "

There were few, indeed, who sought to fill civil stations; and, although men's qualifications for office were, probably, not any more rigidly examined then than now, those who possessed the due degree of prominence, either deemed themselves, or were believed by their fellow-citizens, peculiarly capable of discharging such functions.

He and he was not the lonely one when he ate all that he ate and he was not alone, he was not the happy one when he had what he had when he was happily there and sleeping some, he and he was not demeaning himself when he came again and he was always coming and was talking, he was not sacrificing when he was suffering and he was suffering resolution and undertaking and enlarging and he was not the peculiarly losing kind of a one any one was who was not continuing increasing, he was the one and he was the only one and he was the one and meeting was meeting and summering was summering and wintering was wintering and a flower garden was a flower garden; he was one and the neighbors were not leaving and he was not leaving and he was not destroying the rest and they were not destroying anything, he was one and he said the same and he said it all and he changed the whole when he had the dog that he had when he went and he had the dog that he had when he came and he did not stay that a dog could stay and he did not stay when he went away.

But as Henry saw, they were going to raise the dam higher, and they were working with the intelligence and energy that belong so peculiarly to the beaver. Four powerful fellows were floating a log in the water, ready to put it into place, and others on the bank were launching another. It was one of the largest beaver colonies he had ever seen, and he watched it with peculiar enjoyment.

Dykvelt, whose adroitness and intimate knowledge of English politics made his assistance, at such a conjuncture, peculiarly valuable, was one of the Ambassadors; and with him was joined Nicholas Witsen, a Burgomaster of Amsterdam, who seems to have been selected for the purpose of proving to all Europe that the long feud between the House of Orange and the chief city of Holland was at an end.

On closer inspection, however, one perceived that Julia Lester was far from old indeed, not more than about forty-five, and with a peculiarly gentle, almost child-like expression, which at first took one almost by surprise.

I find that my patient is about thirty years of age of the energetic yet at the same time delicate and sensitive nervous organization which is peculiarly susceptible to the effects of opium, from which it draws the vast majority of its victims, and in which it makes its most relentless havoc; with a front brain considerably beyond the average in size and development.

Many of these furnaces, or their remains, are met with on knolls; those at work have a peculiarly tall hut built over them. On the eastern edge of a valley lying north and south, with the Diampwé stream flowing along it, and the Dzala nyama range on the western side, are two villages screened by fine specimens of the Ficus Indica.