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Thinkest thou I need other tempter than I have here?" smiting his breast. Gongylus recoiled in surprise. "Pardon me, Pausanias, but temptation is another word for hesitation. I dreamed not that I could tempt; I did not know that thou didst hesitate." The Spartan remained silent. "Are not thy messengers on the road to the great king? nay, perhaps already they have reached him.

I cannot endure to see Greece enslaved." During the night Pausanias withdrew his army to a new position in front of the town of Platæa, water being wanting where they were. One Spartan leader, indeed, refused to move, and when told that there had been a general vote of the officers, he picked up a huge stone and cast it at the feet of Pausanias, crying, "This is my pebble.

Close by the great Temple of Fear, and coming from some place within its sanctuary, there approached towards the Spartan and his comrades a majestic woman a woman of so grand a step and port, that, though her veil as yet hid her face, her form alone sufficed to inspire awe. All knew her by her gait; all made way for Alithea, the widow of a king, the mother of Pausanias the Regent.

It bears none from me as the Nauarchus of the Athenians. But " "But what?" "But I have complained to thyself, Pausanias, in vain." "Hast thou complained of late, and in vain?" "Nay." "Honest men may err; if they amend, do just men continue to accuse?"

It is not surprising that the ancients attached the highest importance to the duty of burying the dead, and that Pausanias blames Lysander for not burying the bodies of Philocles and the four thousand slain at Ægospotami, seeing that the Athenians even buried the Persian dead after Marathon.

"Speak!" insisted Pausanias, softening his haughty voice to its meekest tone. "I cannot see the path to the altar," murmured Cleonice, and the tears rolled down her cheeks. "And if thou seest it not," returned Pausanias, "art thou brave enough to say Be we lost to each other for life? I, though man and Spartan, am not brave enough to say that!"

The prejudiced rustics mocked at him, and hinted that they cared too much for their patron to believe any tale that such a manifest impostor might tell them. Pausanias, the Mamerci, and Cappadox, the only persons, besides Drusus, who could readily identify him, were away at Lanuvium. The verdict of guilty was so unanimous that it needed little or no discussion; and Falto pronounced sentence.

The two pediment-groups and the metopes of this temple show such close resemblances of style among themselves that they must all be regarded as products of a single school of sculpture, if not as designed by a single man. On various grounds it seems almost certain that Pausanias was misinformed on this point.

But the kings envying him, and fearing lest he should take Athens again, resolved that one of themselves should take the command. Accordingly Pausanias went, and in words, indeed, professed as if he had been for the tyrants against the people, but in reality exerted himself for peace, that Lysander might not by the means of his friends become lord of Athens again.

At that moment an officer entered on the conclave, and approaching the presiding Ephor, whispered in his ear. "This is well," exclaimed Periclides aloud. "A messenger from Pausanias himself. Your son Lysander has just arrived from Byzantium." "My son!" exclaimed Agesilaus eagerly, and then checking himself, added calmly, "That is a sign no danger to Sparta threatened Byzantium when he left."