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"That's thurd class," he sed; an' that thay ud aal be in Lunnon at the same time. So I paid thurd class, an' he shuved out sum pasteboord, an' I put it in my pocket, an' walked out; an' thur wur a row o' carridges waitin' vor Lunnon; an' off we went as fast as a racehoss. I heerd sum say thay wur off to Cheltenham, Gloucester, Tewkesbury, North Wales; an' I sed to meself, "I be on the rong road.

I walked in, an' thur wur a hole in the purtition, an' I seed the peeple a-payin' thur money vor bits o' pasteboord. I axed the mon if he could take I to Lunnon. He sed, "Fust, second, or thurd?" I sed, "Fust o' course, not arter; vor Sairy Jane ull be waitin'." He sed 'twer moor ner a pound to pay. I sed the paason sed 'twer about eight shillin'.

Dang the buttons o' that little pasteboord seller! he warn't a 'safe mon' to hev to do wi'." I enquired if the peeple hed much washin' to do for the railway about here, an' thay wanted to know what I required to know vor. I sed because thur war such a long clothesline put up aal the way along.

O, I'm bad, dochthor, dear; if you think the water'll cure me, tell me where I can get it." "You've got the pipes down your way?" "I've got the pipes, dochthor, dear but sorrow a bit of tibaccy. Do you think smoking is good for the rheumatiz?" "There's some mistake here," said the clerk; "what's that you've got in your hand?" "They tould me to bring this bit ov pasteboord here, sure."