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The window was as dumb as the pale, faintly befogged moon overhead, itself seeming but a skylight through which shone the sickly light of the passionless world of the dead. Not a form was in the street. The eyes of the houses gleamed here and there upon the snow.

"Well, me feyther's a Liberal leastways 'im as brought me up," was the passionless rejoinder, slowly spoken; "but ah doan't know no one o' the name o' Christ, an', what's more, ah's sure 'e doan't work down our way," with which he sauntered forward with his hands in his trowser pockets, and sat in the bow; and the old man steered on as before.

And saying this, Catharine Linmore turned from the rebuked and astonished young man, and left the room. He immediately retired. EVENING, with its passionless influences, was stealing softly down, and leaving on all things its hues of quiet and repose. The heart of nature was beating with calm and even pulses. Not so the heart of Edwin Florence.

The woman became more human, and less an angel, of course, but that only made her more real, and allowed them to become acquainted with her, to talk with her, and to love her more. There was no thought of wrong, for the devotion of these men was a great, passionless love unhinting of sin.

And when I had re-read that delicious chant, the face of Antigone appeared before me in all its passionless purity. What images! Gods and goddesses who hover in the highest heights of Heaven!

Only if it were a child," a little tremor broke the dead level of the passionless voice, "I should meet it again in heaven. There is the resurrection of the body for the children of the body, but there is no resurrection that I ever heard of for the children of the brain." Hester held her thin right hand with its disfigured first finger to the fire.

His face underwent a tangible change. The lines deepened, the lips set in a hard line, the eyes were like those of a reptile, cold, passionless, unutterably terrible. His face was pale like the paleness of death, but it appeared more like hard, white metal than flesh. His mind began to work clear again; he began to understand. Ezram had been shot, murdered by the men who had jumped his claim.

The President of Yale seems to imply that in order to reason men must become passionless.

It was on a Saturday morning that I bade him good-by, apparently in the best of health and spirits. It was on the evening of the following Saturday October 20th that the condensed, passionless, relentless message which the telegraph transmits, informed me that he had died that afternoon.

We know nothing of such devotion arising to any large degree in orphan asylums, still less in institutions under the cold and impersonal care of the state. It has been urged that the affections of parents stand in the way of a scientific regimen and education for small children. The cold, passionless, automatic parent, then, would be the ideal a Mr. Dombey or a Mr. Feverel.