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For my part, I have been expelled from the bosom of my mother the Church, and am now, having completed immense replies to the decree Lamentabili Sane and to the encyclical Pascendi Gregis, writing a History of the Doctrine of Transubstantiation. Does the topic interest you?" "I am no theologian," said Henry. "And I have been told that if one inquires too closely into these mysteries, faith wilts.

One reads Il Santo and learns concerning the death of Fogazzaro, one looks into the literature relating to Tyrrell, one sees the fate of Loisy, comparing the really majestic achievement in his works and the spirit of his Simple Reflections with the Encyclical Pascendi, 1907. One understands why these men have done what they could to remain within the Roman Church.

Despite his anger, he did not change expression, and he asked the priest smilingly if he knew who could give him advice about those questions. "You can see Father Ferrer at the Gregorian University, or Father Mendia. He is an encyclopedist. It was he who wrote the theological portion of the encyclical Pascendi, the one about Modernism. He is a man of very great learning." "He will do.

The official condemnation is contained in two documents the decree of the Holy Inquisition, 'Lamentabili sane exitu, July 3, 1907, and the Encyclical, 'Pascendi dominici gregis, September 8, 1907. These pronouncements are intended for Catholics; and their tone is that of authoritative denunciation rather than of argument.