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Parve, nec invideo, sine me, liber, ibis in ignem. Lucilio Vanini, born in 1585, was an Italian philosopher, learned in medicine, astronomy, theology, and philosophy, who, after the fashion of the scholars of the age, roamed from country to country, like the knight- errants of the days of chivalry, seeking for glory and honours, not by the sword, but by learning.

Moreover, on a block of ice which floated at the same rate as the stone trough there was seated a white bear holding her little one in her arms, and Mael heard her murmuring in a low voice this verse of Virgil, Incipe parve puer. And full of sadness and trouble, the old man wept. The fresh water had frozen and burst the barrel that contained it.

Line a salad bowl with lettuce leaves, pour in the salad and decorate the top with grated hard-boiled eggs. Melted butter may be used if for a milk meal or heated olive oil for a parve salad in place of the melted fat. POTATO SALAD, No. 2 Boil one quart of small potatoes, Bermuda potatoes are best. Do not peel them, just wash and scrub the potatoes thoroughly in cold water.

In the better and wiser tone of feeling with Ovid only expresses in one line to retract in that which follows, I can address these quires Parve, nec invideo, sine me, liber, ibis in urbem. Nor do I join the regret of the illustrious exile, that he himself could not in person accompany the volume, which he sent forth to the mart of literature, pleasure, and luxury.