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He scarcely knew what he said, as he hurried away. The words might have made a vainer man than he was much happier than they did him. The "Vestal" was bound for the West Indies. She cruised for some time, making several rich prizes, which she sent into Port Royal, Jamaica, and which filled the parses of her officers and men in a very satisfactory manner.

"Waving his hands about almost as if he was praying. I wonder what he is up to. Worshipping the sun? There weren't Parses in this country in his time, were there?" He looked again. "He's stopped it now. It was a chance attitude, I suppose." He put down the glass and became meditative. "He won't have anything to do but enjoy himself just enjoy himself. Ostrog will boss the show of course.

Therefore for the study of Iranian tradition in Islam the period of the Sasanian dynasty preceding the Arab conquest has a special significance. Comp. J. Darmesteter La Legende de Alexandre chez les Parses.

I tuk his hand which he shook warmly, & givin him a perpetooal free pars to my show, & also parses to take hum for the Queen & old Albert, I put on my hat and walkt away. "Mrs. Ward," I solilerquized, as I walkt along, "Mrs.

Aminulah Khan is only too well acquainted with the weakest side of the Persian character, and at once jumps to the conclusion that the sowars have stolen my money. Sending for me and summoning the sowars to his presence, without preliminary palaver he accuses them of robbing me of "pool." Addressing himself to me, he inquires: "Sahib, Parses namifami?" "Sowari pool f pool koob; rupee-rupee Jcoob?"