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All wore tall feather headdresses of parrot and mutum plumes. All had the scarlet and black rings around the eyes, the streaks from temple to chin, the wavy design on their bodies. And each wore in the cartilage of his nose a pair of small feathers slanting outward.

The Federal ship was headed directly for the enemy, and as Captain Breaker was impatient to board, he could not fire the Parrot or the broadside battery without losing time to put his vessel in position for throwing shot or shell. "She is starting her screw again!" exclaimed Christy suddenly, as he discovered the stirring up of the water astern of the enemy. "I see she is," added the commander.

Baron Haussmann regarded the young stranger with amazed interest. "You know him!" he protested. "He called you Sam!" "Know him?" cried Sam impatiently. "I've got to know him! He's going to be my father-in-law." The fingers of the rich man clutched the folded paper as the claws of a parrot cling to the bars of his cage.

But I should find it very hard to tell you all the good-byes that Milly and Olly said to the places and people at Ravensnest, to the woods and the hay-fields, and the beck, to Aunt Emma's parrot, John Backhouse's cows, to Windermere Lake and Rydal Lake, above all to dear Aunt Emma herself.

Her husband being gone another journey, she commanded a slave in the night-time to turn a hand-mill under the parrot's cage; she ordered another to sprinkle water, in resemblance of rain, over the cage; and a third to move a looking-glass, backward and forward against a candle, before the parrot.

But oh, well, it was just another case of ships that pass in the night I'm afraid I've been boring you." "Oh, Jane! You haven't! You see ... you see, I'm in love myself." "I had an idea you were," said her friend looking at her critically. "You've been refusing your oats the last few days, and that's a sure sign. Is he that fellow that's always around with you and who looks like a parrot?"

There was one little corner of his brain that fought him. It kept telling him, like a parrot, that it was a tress of Marette's hair about Kedsty's throat, and that it was the hair that had choked him. But Marette would explain that, too. He was sure of it. In the face of the facts below he was illogical and unreasonable. He knew it.

In fact, he hates her, or rather ignores her, while she doats upon him and is tremendously jealous of the parrot" "What, that green thing?" "Well, its a lovely parrot, you must know, and the moment it came into his possession he has had it about three years he seemed to transfer whatever affection he had for his wife to that creature, with a great deal beside.

"Possible!" was repeated, as if in greater doubt. This was too much of an insult, and the lady's face kindled with anger. Mrs. Lee quietly arose, saying, "Poll must come in and make her own apology for her rudeness;" and soon returned with the parrot clinging to her finger.

However, she had altogether the advantage of him, for she laughed most uncontrollably at his concern, assured him that this was her intellectual play, and that she enjoyed the matter very much as she would teaching tricks to a parrot or monkey. "Surely, now, you would not deprive me of such an innocent amusement," said she, with mock lamentation.