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Hirsch Bensef, the parnas of the chief congregation, and whose reputation for piety overtopped that of any other man of the community, might well pause before inviting the new arrival to his house.

"Beile is a kalle; she will marry to-morrow." "Has anybody fallen in love with her?" asked the mother. "No; but she will marry all the same." "Well, speak out, man! You kill one with suspense." "Do you know Reb Bensef, our parnas?" "Yes; but what has he to do with our Beile?"

Hirsch Bensef, by untiring energy and perseverance as a dealer in curios and works of art, had become one of the wealthiest and most influential men in the community. He was parnas of the great congregation of Kief, and was respected, not only by his co-religionists, but also by the nobles with whom he transacted the greater portion of his business.

As parnas he must be the first to do him honor and after the services were at an end the invitation was extended and accepted. It was a pleasant assemblage that gathered at Bensef's house. Miriam was an excellent provider and on this occasion she fairly outdid herself. "Perhaps," thought Bensef, "there still lingers in her breast a spark of affection for the man who is now so greatly honored."

Without knowing why, he felt the hot tears coursing down his cheeks, tears which not even the harsh treatment he had endured during his early years at the monastery could force from their reservoirs. One after another, seven men were called to the Torah, and their actions and prayers were a repetition of those of the parnas.

The hazan opened the Pentateuch and the parnas of the congregation was called to the Torah. Every movement was anticipated by the priest. The parnas reverently lifted the fringes of his tallis, and with them touched the sacred Scroll; then, kissing them, he recited the customary blessing. Mikail repeated it with him. It sounded almost as familiar as his own liturgy.

I have been working all day, and now they won't let me sleep!" "Eryfile! Eryfile!" exclaimed Silver-arrowed. And he began to sing: "From lofty peaks of Parnas where there ring In all the glory of light's brilliant rays The grand sweet songs which inspired muses sing To me, by turns, in rapture and praise I, worshiped god I fly, fly to thee, Eryfile!