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"I wish you had ordinary clothes on," he said, somewhat irritably. "It's such a tremendously serious decision you're taking. That fantastic costume of yours makes it seem terribly casual." "I assure you, I can be just as solemn in a pareo and a wreath of roses, as in a high hat and a cut-away coat." Then another thought struck Bateman. "Edward, it's not for my sake you're doing this?

Edward did the same. "I guess I'm not dressed for the part," said Bateman, uneasily. "Would you like a pareo?" said Eva quickly. "I'll get you one in a minute." "No, thank you. I'm quite comfortable as I am." "Show him how to put it on, Eva," said Edward. At that moment Bateman hated his greatest friend. Eva got up from the table and with much laughter placed the wreath on his black hair.

Many of the natives wore, on this occasion, broad white trousers, with a shirt over them; but there were others who had no other garments than the ordinary short shirt and the pareo. One of the chiefs who appeared in this costume, and was afflicted with Elephantiasis, offered a most repulsive spectacle. This evening I saw Queen Pomare for the first time.

With his long, curling white hair and his ascetic face he made a fantastic figure in the native dress, but he bore himself without a trace of self-consciousness. "If you're ready we'll go right up," said Jackson. "I'll just put on my clothes," said Bateman. "Why, Teddie, didn't you bring a pareo for your friend?" "I guess he'd rather wear clothes," smiled Edward.

He, too, wore nothing but a <i pareo>. He was an extraordinary figure, with his red beard and matted hair, and his great hairy chest. His feet were horny and scarred, so that I knew he went always bare foot. He had gone native with a vengeance. He seemed pleased to see me, and told Ata to kill a chicken for our dinner.

She was laughing, but I could see that she was a little shy, and Strickland looked at her without speaking." "Was she pretty?" I asked. "Not bad. But you must have seen pictures of her. He painted her over and over again, sometimes with a <i pareo> on and sometimes with nothing at all. Yes, she was pretty enough. And she knew how to cook. I taught her myself.

In a moment the woman returned with a bundle, which she gave to Edward; and the two men, scrambling down a steep path, made their way to a grove of coconut trees on the beach. They undressed and Edward showed his friend how to make the strip of red trade cotton which is called a pareo into a very neat pair of bathing-drawers. Soon they were splashing in the warm, shallow water.

At that moment duty was forgotten in the thirst for vengeance upon Soma, and the debate with his conscience was of short duration. He pulled a note from the folds of his pareo and tossed it to me with a short laugh. "Me not care about that," he grinned. "Me catch Soma, that's all." The note was exceedingly brief. It read: "The mate is following you, NEWMARCH."

They heard a soft movement and looking round saw that Arnold Jackson was coming towards them. "I thought I'd come down and fetch you two boys back," he said. "Did you enjoy your bath, Mr Hunter?" "Very much," said Bateman. Arnold Jackson, no longer in spruce ducks, wore nothing but a pareo round his loins and walked barefoot. His body was deeply browned by the sun.

Strickland, clad only in a <i pareo>, was standing with his back to the door, but he turned round when he heard the sound of boots. He gave the doctor a look of vexation. He was surprised to see him, and resented the intrusion. But the doctor gave a gasp, he was rooted to the floor, and he stared with all his eyes. This was not what he expected. He was seized with horror.