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"If it had been stolen earlier the coat pocket might have retained its bulging shape. We know now that Paredes is capable of sneaking around the house." "No, no," Bobby said hotly. "You're trying to take away my one hope. But I was there, and you weren't. I know with my own senses what happened, and you don't. Paredes has no such influence over me. I won't think of it."

"But this," he said, when they had told him what they could, "changes the situation. I must stay here. I must watch that detective and learn what he has up his sleeve." Graham turned away. "I've tried. Maybe you'll succeed better than I." "Then you'll excuse me," Paredes said quickly. "I should like your permission to telephone to my hotel in New York for some clothing.

Clearly he had slept little. "I saw you arrive," he said. "Rawlins warned me. But I must say I didn't think you'd use your freedom to come to us." Paredes laughed. "Since the law won't hold me at your convenience in Smithtown I keep myself at your service here if Bobby permits it. Could you ask more?" Bobby shrank from the man with whom he had idled away so much time and money.

The entire force at Vera Cruz and the garrison of San Juan de Ulua have pronounced for him. He is now on his way home from Havana. We shall soon have with us the one hero who can save us from the American invaders and from the tyranny of King Paredes!" Possibly, this had been the day calculated upon for the arrival of precisely such tidings.

Bobby guessed the object of Paredes's question. He knew it had been about noon when they had seen the coffin covered in the restless, wind-swept cemetery. Paredes hurried on. "How long had you been asleep?" "What makes you ask that?" the other whined. "I don't know." "It was a long time?" Blackburn's voice rose complainingly. "How did you guess that? I never slept so.

One of the two persons who were there, however, drew slowly near him, and, as he did so, he heard the colonel mutter, in a very low tone: "My dear friend, you have done well to bring me the powder. Thank you for your devotion to me and to Santa Anna, but you are in deadly peril. The orders of Paredes are out against you.

There were more dark-clothed men in the hall. Rawlins had returned. From the rug in front of the fireplace he surveyed the group with a bland curiosity. Robinson sat near by, glowering at Paredes. The Panamanian had changed his clothing. He, too, was sombrely dressed, and, instead of the vivid necktie he had worn from the courthouse, a jet-black scarf was perfectly arranged beneath his collar.

"That's what Silas Blackburn told you when he came back," Paredes said. "He may have believed it at first or he may not have. I daresay he wanted to, for he came back with his brother's money as well as his own the cash and the easily convertible securities that were all men would handle in that hell.

Your visit has given me unmixed satisfaction. Do not forget that all of you are to dine with me to-morrow. From my very heart I can echo your noble sentiments of valor and patriotism and of devotion to our beloved commander-in-chief, his heroic Excellency, President Paredes." Then followed smiles and handshakings of mutual confidence all around, and the visiting officers took their departure.

"Tell me how he was dressed." The old servant covered his face. "Mr. Silas stumbled through the kitchen," he answered hoarsely. "I tried to stop him, but he pushed me away and ran out." His voice rose. "I tell you he ran without a coat or a hat into the storm." Paredes sighed. "The Cedars's final tragedy, yet it was the most graceful exit he could have made." Maria struggled to her feet.