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"Christ," he said, "nothing else but Christ Himself will come in the form of panhuman brotherhood and panhuman love." Love the sinner as well! Do not fly away from the sinners, but go to them without fear. After all whoever you may be you are not much better than they are. Try to love the sinners; you will see that it is easier to love those whom you despise than those whom you envy.

It should control not only the governmental programmes of education, but it should also watch the mothers, patriots and priests. It should try to have these three world-powers not for the enemies but for the allies and missionaries of a higher, and a panhuman education. There are three stages of the Christian European education: Compulsory obedience.

It is a stage where all men will see their mission in their collective work, and therefore voluntarily enchain themselves into the panhuman organism, plunging their imaginative, pointlike personalities into a big and mystic personality of mankind. The Voluntary Obedience will mean a voluntary slavery.

I: Only a good man is a great man to me, who is conscious that he is a cell in the panhuman organism, or a brick in the building of human history. Such a man is more a man of truth and of the future than any conqueror, who thinks that a hundred millions of people and hundreds of years have waited just for him and his guidance, his work, or his wisdom.