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These remembrances seldom fail to excite a sigh, even when the evening of life is cheered by brighter prospects than those of our poor mendicant. "At that time of day," was his natural reflection, "I would have thought as little about ony auld palmering body that was coming down the edge of Kinblythemont, as ony o' thae stalwart young chiels does e'enow about auld Edie Ochiltree."

'She did say she would like to see us again some day, Dora replied. So after we had argued a little about it we went. And before we had gone a hundred yards down the dusty road Martha began to make us wish with all our hearts we had not let her come. She began to limp, just as a pilgrim, who I will not name, did when he had the split peas in his silly palmering shoes.

She blushed to the eyes. "O, Edom, it's for you!" she said. "It's slippers. I I hae never made ye any." "Ye daft auld wife!" returned his lordship. "A bonny figure I would be, palmering about in bauchles!" The next day, at the hour of her walk, Kirstie interfered.

These remembrances seldom fail to excite a sigh, even when the evening of life is cheered by brighter prospects than those of our poor mendicant. "At that time of day," was his natural reflection, "I would have thought as little about ony auld palmering body that was coming down the edge of Kinblythemont, as ony o' thae stalwart young chiels does e'enow about auld Edie Ochiltree."

She blushed to the eyes. "O, Edom, it's for you!" she said. "It's slippers. I I hae never made ye any." "Ye daft auld wife!" returned his lordship. "A bonny figure I would be, palmering about in bauchles!" The next day, at the hour of her walk, Kirstie interfered.