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They continued their search and found three more hives of bees, which they marked and allowed to remain till later in the season, when they could take them at their leisure. In a fortnight they had collected sufficient liquor from the trees to fill both the coppers to the brim, besides several pails.

Judging from the loudness of these volleys he had reached the outskirts of the town. I set half of my force to work piling up bags of meal behind the iron bars, and, in the event of fire, filling pails with water, and breaking what little glass still remained in the windows. Others I sent to bring in the wounded, and still others to serving out the coffee and soup we had found in the kitchen.

And the men all came trooping out of the cellar, and each man went and got his dinner from the place where he had put it when he came there in the morning. Some of the men had their dinner in pails and some had theirs in baskets and one man had his in a newspaper, so that he wouldn't have anything to carry home at night.

The brook's peripatetic qualities were emphasized when both boys fell off the top of the makeshift stairs and came down over the rocks, pails and all. Then there was hilarity which fairly rocked the hall. For some moments another sound a sound which did not harmonize with the laughter was disregarded by the audience.

All but the children were very still, looking at the flames that licked along the sky line. They had heard now the story of the broken mains, and somberly, without lament or rebellion, recognized the full extent of the calamity. A young girl, standing on a wall, a line of pails beside her, offered cupfuls of water to those who drooped or fainted.

The sides of the room were lined with shelves, the shelves begemmed with bright pans, and the bright pans filled with milk, I don't know how many pans there were, but I should think about a million, and there was a mound of pails piled up to be washed, and cosy little colonies of butter, pleasant to eyes, nose, and mouth, and a curious machine to work butter over, consisting of something like a table in the shape of the letter V, the flat part a trough, with a wooden handle to push back and forth, and the buttermilk running out at the apex of the V. If the principle on which it is constructed is a secret, I don't believe I have divulged it; but I do not aim to let you know precisely what it is, only that there is such a thing.

It is the method that was no good. "Cornu bawled: 'Four pails, that is almost half a cubic metre. You need not reply, that's what it is. "The police captain put them both under arrest. I have no more to tell." She sat down. The audience in the court room laughed. The jurors looked at one another in astonishment.

A boy was always attached to the house; not the same boy, but a Boy dynasty, for as soon as one went another came, who ate a great deal a crime in Hepsey's eyes and whose general duty was to carry armfuls of wood, pails of milk, or swill, and to shut doors. We had many visitors.

His first stay was at Kirtland, Lake county, Ohio, where he purchased a farm and at the same time carried on the harness business. At this he continued until about the year 1850, when he purchased a factory and water power, put in a pail-making machine, and commenced, in a small way, the manufacture of pails.

Riflemen, drovers, batt-men, frontier farmers, and some of the dirty flotsam trappers, forest-runners, and the like were continually moving about the parade, going and coming on petty, sordid business of their own; and there were women there, too pallid refugees from distant farms, and now domiciled within the stockade; gaunt wives of neighbouring settlers, bringing baskets of eggs or pails of milk to sell; and here and there some painted camp-wanton lingering by the gateway on mischief bent, or gossiping with some sister trull, their bold eyes ever roving.